“The right mentor can be a key to your success in building wealth.” Heidi Richards Mooney

Don’t know where to begin when it comes to building your own wealth? Oh, sure, you’ve read all the books and know some pretty rich people. And you say to yourself, how did they get so rich? And how can I do the same? You’ve attended wealth building seminars, workshops and conferences on the subject and even perused the internet. All valuable ways to increase your own wealth-building knowledge. And yet, you feel like you’re still missing an important key.

What you may need is a Wealth Mentor. Someone to coach you; someone to help you put all the pieces of your new-found knowledge together; someone who is willing to share her own expertise.

Just how do you find someone willing to share her expertise and wealth-building strategies? First of all you need to know what to look for. You wouldn’t go to someone who is down and out or struggling financially for advice, you would look for someone who has been there, done that and is still doing it. Making money that is! And the person should be someone you admire, trust and is willing to share her time with you, to coach you. The mentor/protégé relationship can be an informal one whereby you ask occasional advice or it can be more structured where the two of you meet frequently (at scheduled intervals) and discuss your goals and aspirations. A mentor must be not only be willing to do so, she must be committed to your success.

The first thing to do when seeking a mentor is write down the attributes you want your mentor to possess. Does your wealth mentor need to be a millionaire or would someone financially solvent be sufficient? What other attributes and characteristics do you want your mentor to have? A good mentor is non-judgmental, open and honest, a good listener, good observer, has the time and expertise you need and is patient. And don’t’ think the mentor is going to do it all for you.

This type of relationship is a two way street. It should be mutually beneficial. A good protégé must have a genuine desire to learn, is non-judgmental, trustworthy, ethical, takes initiative, asks for feedback and gives feedback on her progress. A good protégé learns to be a good listener. Does your mentor need to be local or could it be someone you could contact via phone or virtually? Many good relationships are virtual these days.

Since the emergence of the Internet, coaches and mentors around the world have moved their practices online and via phone. Make a list of people you know who might fit your criteria. If you are having trouble coming up with names, ask your circle of influence for some suggestions. If you don’t know the persons suggested, ask for a formal introduction. You can join your local Chamber of Commerce or other professional associations and get involved. By attending meetings regularly people get to know you and the ideal mentor might be right under your nose.

Three words of caution when searching for a mentor: your email inbox. With the overwhelming email we receive each day, there is undoubtedly tons of emails in your inbox from people offering to show you how to get rich quick by following their advice, signing up for their system, selling their “product that sells itself. Hey, if the product really sold itself, why would it need so many people to promote it? I’m not suggesting that there aren’t really good products out there that you could represent that may lead to your financial success. What I am suggesting is that you need to use caution and reason when deciding if the people who make the claims are for real. And that’s another chapter all together.

Choose wisely to find someone who is committed to the relationship, will give you time, and wants to see you thrive. Look for someone you can relate to, be open with and want to spend time getting to know better. The right mentor can be a catalyst to your success in building wealth. And isn’t that your goal?