Ask The Coach TV: Stretching tip for tight legs and back.” The Stick-e® LassoTM Strap is recommended for stretching by Therese Ikonian of the Adventure Network!

Stick-e® Yoga pose videos demonstrate proper body alignment and execution!

In this video, Carol Diamond, the yogini from Del Rey Beach, FL  is instructing Briana Hassibi. Briana suffers from chronic Reheumatoid Arthritis and has found that yoga with the help of Stick-e® Products has been the therapy she needs to lead a more comfortable life.

It is Stick-e®’s mission to help people incorporate fitness into their daily life and to find passion in the pursuit of improved physical fitness. Recognizing that there are often obstacles outside of one’s control that can impinge on one’s fitness experience and dampen that passion, Stick-e®’s goal is to design products that solve problems and provide a more rewarding fitness experience.