"Wow in the now!"If you’re like me, you probably want a wow life, and you want it yesterday. Consider the idea you’re wow is only in the now, and living the life you love, demands you love the skin you’re already in.

“I’ll be happy when I have —–“; I’ll be less stressed when —- changes —–“; or “I’ll take a vacation when —— is finally finished.” Do any of these sound vaguely familiar to you?

Expectations can often be pre-mediated resentments. Change your expectations, shift your gratitude meter, and alter your level of peace and emotional happiness.

The child who survives on drinking dirty water on a daily basis thinks pure joy is having clean running water in his/her home. The abused wife who battles bruising beatings every week dreams of meeting a man who would never communicate with his fist. The husband and wife who just lost their only child to cancer look at every couple with the chaotic craziness of five kids as having it all. Do you see what I mean?

The next question is obvious; how can you make your now your wow?

In the same way you need breaks for your car; you need reliable breaks for your stinking thinking mind at moments as well. You need to have sure stoppers ready and available to halt your mind to steer clear of the catastrophe to give up the hope of a better past. Idealizing a future which may never exist is only going to borrow sorrow from tomorrow.

Create some breaks. Write down your greatest fear on a piece of paper. Underneath it, write down someone who has experienced that fear and overcome it successfully. Finally, draw an image, symbol, or paste a photo of how you feel when the fear is overcome with a positive result. Use this picture as a trigger to turn your mind around into the wow of now.

For example; if you fear losing your job – write that down. Then – write down someone who got fired and ended up with an even better job in life because of being fired. Say, Walt Disney. Then, create your emotional image, perhaps a person smiling at the top of a mountain which reminds you to keep going no matter what obstacle you meet along the way to remember you’re not finished yet.

My point is this; to embrace your wow in the now, you must let go of that confusing mind chatter to buy the lie that something more is required to feel the happiness you seek in this very moment. Walls are made of wasteful wallowing, and smiles are made with the multitude of miracles moving in this very moment.

Deb Scott, BA, CPC is an Award Winning Author for ‘The Sky is Green & The Grass is Blue” and an Award Winning Podcaster for ‘The Best People We Know Show’ with over 1 million global listeners. Visit http://www.GreenSkyandBlueGrass.com for more or @GreenSkyDeb on Twitter.