"Worth reading The Power of Slow Living by Agustina Thorgilsson Life-Navigation"Take Back What’s Been Taken from You and Be Who You Were Created to Be by Agustina Thorgilsson, Life-Navigation is worth reading.

Kindle launch May 29th

The Power of Slow Living is a book for high achievers and those bettering their lives. Written by radio expert in industrial psychology, strategy, management and HRD issues in the public and private sector globally. It is an insightful approach to freeing yourself emotionally from the pressures of the modern life.

The foreword is by Mr Prithiraj Ramkisun Dullay. Academic, author, columnist, human rights and environmental activist in South Africa.

There Has to Be More

 “We fail to see that the Earth is finite and it is the only one we have. We cannot see the intricate ‘web of life’, where what effects one part, has an impact on the whole.”

This bleak scenario is all the more reason to welcome the publication of Agustina Thorgilsson’s book that ‘softly’ appeals to us to re-connect with the inner self that resides in the core of our beings. Her powerfully stated thesis is an appeal for the restoration with the intuitive self. It follows that this inner peace will lead to moderation of our behaviour and our relationships on various levels of interactions.

The world of humans needs to rediscover its humanity and its respect for the Earth that sustains all life. The reality is that there is no alternative!

Agustina’s book is a revelation that needs to be read by everyone, especially those in leadership.


1. Slow living maximizes your life

Modern man wants to do more with his time and simultaneously increase the quality of his living.


“The way to maximize your life’s possibilities and your wellness is to practice slow living.”

2: Neutrality protects your peace of mind

This chapter shows the way to a fascinating insight the reader will have as an individual.


”The mind is limited in itself as it can only deal with what it has read about, experienced or seen; it can not deal with what it does not understand or explain.”

3: Walking with yourself protects you

Individuals are faced with emotional constraints they are mainly unaware of.


“The drive of society is not really helping us to become who we are, but pushes us away from our true being.”

4: Turning a crisis into opportunity – the magic of decision

Most people react with unease in crisis and wish to overcome it quickly.


  ” A crisis often renders us incapable of logical thinking about how to address it. We just wait around and then react to a situation.”

5. Fear, the art of letting it help and not hinder you in life

Successful leaders, high achievers in the 21st Century need to make overcoming fear a consistent practice.


” Fear controls almost all humans, it is part of our basic fight vs. flight instincts… We do less focusing on our intuition.”

6. Love, the way of growing into the human being you are

Growing is the greatest challenge of humans and attracting the support of other forward thinkers in sharing ideas of a peaceful world.


“Love is the most needed emotion there is and the most misunderstood. We all have the feeling of incompleteness, when we do not feel loved; …”

7. Forgiveness, gaining the freedom of letting go

“UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, and other countries, gained the strength of freedom by letting go and forgive past injustices in the pursuit of an all-encompassing peace.”


“Imagine that resentments of a lifetime are in your bag you carry around. What is the size of that bag?”

About the author: Agustina Thorgilsson, an expert in industrial psychology, began her career in 1979 as a consultant on internal affairs, communication and human resources development (HRD) with AB Volvo in Sweden. In 1988 she became the director for the Institute of Management Training, a division set up by the Ministry of Finance servicing all of Iceland’s public sector. She later founded a management training company that advised both public and private sectors on strategy, management and HRD issues, before completing a Masters degree in clinical psychology which led to the founding of Life-Navigation in 2005. Information about the book is available at www.lifenavigation.com