Did you know that around 32% of women aging 18 to 29 and 29% of women aging 50-64 are most likely to be single? But finding love in the time of algorithms is like finding fish in the ocean. It seems impossible for most women. However, with the pandemic sweeping the globe, many women feel the impact of loneliness more than ever. 

Did you know that in South Korea, engineers built a robot that helps people to socialize? And the University of Chicago is developing a pill to make it easier for lonely people to reach out to others. Isn’t that amazing? It’s like a pill in, fear out. 

As per the Pew Research Center study, online apps have completely transformed how Americans meet and interact. But all this can’t ensure that you can find someone you love since it’s all about connecting. Right?

But there is something that one can definitely do to get past the “loneliness epidemic.” Do you want to know what we’re talking about? Well! It’s finding companionship or friends online. Yes, you heard it right! It’s like you’ll never feel alone whether you are going for a sporting event, movie premier, or a simple. 

And the best part is, you have someone you can make a conversation with without feeling uncomfortable at all. But here’s what you must do to avoid any hassles when finding a person to spend time with. 

Look For The Platforms That Offers Such Services

There are thousands of apps available online where you can find the match for yourself. But surfing through the apps can be extremely daunting. So, take note of your needs and desires and then start the search. For instance, what kind of companionship are you looking for or what type of site works best for you. Things like this will help you narrow down your choices. 

For example, a site named Him-Eros offers companions to women for the date of their choice. In this way, they target one kind of target audience and revolve their services according to their needs and wants. The only thing you must care about is that the site is reputable and authentic. Once you do that, everything will fall into place. 

Don’t Blabber About Everything in One Go

Once you are okay with the site, it’s time to set your profile. The type of information you have to share might differ depending on the app or web app you choose. But as a rule, experts advise being discreet in what you post. Keep it on point and brief. 

It will allow you to share information only when you start feeling comfortable in the company of someone. This is also a great way to instill curiosity to keep the spark alive in your meeting. 

Don’t Try to be Someone You’re Not

Try to be in your natural self. If you start doing things that are not you, you’ll never feel comfortable even with the best person around. So, be the person you are and enjoy the company to the fullest. 

That way, you can easily start a conversation with the person without feeling out of place. This is why you must consider your needs and find the person that matches your personality. It’s not that all your likings must match, but there should be some similar interests that will help you break the ice initially. 

In the End,

In today’s time, more Americans are alone than ever before. Plus, with the household size shrinking, not everyone is interested in marriage or regular dating. These changes are becoming a contributing factor to the growth of online companionship and dating sites and applications. 

Since loneliness can result in many health problems, why not try using such sites once and see what they can do with your life. So, it’s time. 

Browse, find a person, sip a cup of coffee together or go together for drinks, and feel alive once again!

*This is a Sponsored Post – the author has requested this post be shared on WE magazine for Women and WE were compensated for sharing.