"women in public service"

WOMEN IN PUBLIC SERVICE  ON WE MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN  profiles women who are either employed (or have been) or volunteer in the public service sector (ie. within a government system, the military, school system, firefighters, politicians, police and other public safety fields).

Here are the questions for the Women in Public Service Interview. Feel free to answer them, and send the questions and your responses to Heidi (at) with “Women in Public Service” in the subject line.  In addition to the interview responses (please keep questions intact and include in the BODY of the email), send a *LINK to your photo. Do not send the interview as an attachment. All attached documents are discarded. Photos are accepted as an attachment or a link. All responses should be submitted unformatted (no bold, italic, all caps, etc).

Be sure to read the Women in Business Interviews here: to see the format and type of information we are interested in. PLEASE INCLUDE ALL SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS IN YOUR RESPONSES INCLUDING REACH (number of followers for each channel). Each woman WE feature, WE  follow and post feature to our social media channels (total reach 85K+). 

Note: you do not need to be listed on either of our directories: or to be featured on this channel.

NAME _________________________
Position/Title _____________________
Public Service sector __________________________
WEBSITE URL _________________________

Tell us a little bit about what your career in public service and why you chose this path in the first place?

At what age did you first decide that public service was something you might like to pursue?

What do you think are some of the qualities a woman needs to be successful in public service?


What are some of the drawbacks to being in public service?

What opportunities do you see for women who would like to pursue public service as a career choice?

Who has been a role model to you and why?

What are some of the needs in public service that you see are lacking leadership or need a “woman’s touch?”

Answer either of these questions or both: What is the number one thing you would like to accomplish while you are in public service? Or: What is your  Mission in public service?

What has been your greatest moment or achievement in public service to date?

If someone reading this article were interested in going into public service what is the first thing you would advise her to do?

What resources do you recommend to anyone interested in pursing public service as a career choice (including education, reading lists, etc).

What is your favorite quote and why?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What do you like to do in your leisure time?

What’s next for you?

How can the readers of WE Magazine for Women connect with you (contact info, social media)?

When submitting your responses, please include a jpeg photo of you in the same email. We prefer action photos to glamour shots. If available, feel free to send more than one picture especially one of you at work or play!
Here are some photo examples:

Note: we reserve the right to delete or not accept any interviews we feel are not relevant or inappropriate to our target audience. Incomplete interviews will also be discarded.

NOTE: DUE TO THE VOLUME OF SUBMISSIONS WE RECEIVE (100’s each month), WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR PROFILE WILL BE PUBLISHED. We Now offer priority Publishing.  You can get guaranteed placement when you purchase a Get Featured plan for only $27. Click the link below to order PRIORITY PUBLISHING

The other way to get your feature published is if you have a business listing  in one of our two directories – and . If you are a member of  either of those directories, your interview is guaranteed to be published within one month of receipt. FYI, you are not required to be listed on either of our directories – or MyPinkPages.comto be featured. Listings only guarantee your interview is published within a month of receipt.