Meet Joanie Winberg CEO/Founder of the non-profit Happy Wednesday Foundation and the National Association of Divorce for Women and Children in Lakeville, MA USA


1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do professionally.

Having been a single mom for 14 years, I found it frustrating after my divorce to not have the kind of support  needed to move my life forward such as tools and life skills to be the best I could be for myself and my children.

That is why I became certified as a business/personal coach specializing in divorce. I also started the non-profit Happy Wednesday Foundation and the National Association of Divorce for Women and Children. The mission is to provide mentoring programs to empower women to regain their confidence, build self-esteem and create a foundation of life skills to enhance the quality of life for themselves and their children.

2. What do you enjoy most about your profession and why did you choose it in the first place?

Everything! I enjoy mentoring women through the 12 week teleclass Single Again! Now What? Mentoring Program and also as the host of our R & R Day Retreats for underserved women.

3. Tell us about the organizations your company supports and why?

Our foundation works with organizations, associations and non-profits that support women from all economic lines and ethnic groups that have experienced challenges such as a catastrophic illness, domestic violence, homelessness, being single again and women with children of addiction.

4. What is the biggest risk you ever took professionally and/or the biggest obstacle you have overcome?

In 1981, my husband at the time and I opened a True Value Hardware store. We had to sell everything we owned to finance the business. We moved in with my mother-in-law because we couldn’t afford to pay rent. Plus, I just had a baby. I am no longer a part of the business, but the business is still going strong today.

5.  From where do you draw inspiration? Who have been your role models, mentors, etc?

My children are my inspiration who are now 28 and 25 years old. My coach that I worked with for several years is my role model and mentor.

6. How is the current economic situation affecting your company/organization?

With the current economic situation women need support more than ever. For example there are 3.1 million single parents in the U.S. and 84% are women.

7. What one thing would you like to learn this year?

To continue to learn to be patient, to let go and trust knowing that everything happens for a reason and at just the right time.

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see my foundation supporting thousands of single moms and underserved women through our programs and R & R Day Retreats.

9. What do you do for fun/relaxation/entertainment?

Gardening and taking walks. Sharing special times with family and friends.

10. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

I believe that giving back is what it’s all about!

Which, if any social networking sites do you belong to (feel free to include links)?

Twitter- afterdivorce

Facebook- JoanieWinberg

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