Women in Business Interview with Leslie Flowers CS, LSC

Tell us about your business.
I am a Certified Speaker and LifeSuccess Consultant. As a certified LifeSuccess Consultant I am trained to present any and all of Bob Proctor’swork in optimum human development. My speaker training comes from Steve Siebold, Gove-Siebold
Whether by seminar, keynote address, or coaching, I provide the following services:

• Connect you to your true potential
• Teach you how to change your thoughts to get new and improved results
• Show you the power of purpose, vision and goals
• Provide strategies to unleash your inner genius
• Guide you in creating financial prosperity and personal abundance
• Have you step through your fears or your terror barrier
I provide these services to people that are interested in:  living abundantly, and simply are unaware of how to do that.

Please tell us what being a business owner means to you and why you became an entrepreneur in the first place?
Being a business owner has me be fully responsible and accountable for my life, and the impact I have on my friends, followers, and clients. I’ve always stood for what I thought was right, even in the face of adversity. I train leaders — leaders in family, community, spirituality, and leaders of other leaders.

What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?
Paul Martinelli, CEO of LifeSuccess Consulting. I have several masterful mentors, each with their own area of expertise. Paul Martinelli is the person with the very qualities of leadership, skill, and intelligence that I want for myself. So I watch him closely and emulate his actions. When I want results, I copy someone very successful. Paul is that for me. He is mentor, coach, teacher, and I am proud to say, friend.

What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?
Sharing the teaching platform with Paul Martinelli. While I am speaker, coach, and seminar facilitator, my A#1 dream is to be a keynote speaker on the subject of humans achieving optimum development and the associated rewards. Paul gave me that opportunity in February. Because he shares the teaching platform with Bob Proctor and is a distinguished international speaker, sharing that platform means the world to me. It’s one step closer to my dream.

What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?
Do it … even if you don’t know how!

What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?
First provide great value to others and your reward will come by quiet surprise.  

Are there any resources or tools you’d like to share with other small business owners that have helped you succeed?
I have learned that the Law of Compensation, which dictates how much revenue you will generate, is based on three things: the need for what you do, how well you do it, and how easy you are to replace. How well you do it is a direct reflection of continued learning.

The best and most financially reasonable way to learn from the masters and guarantee an increase in your income is with iLearningGlobal.tv (iLG). iLG is a structural change in how we learn. There are more than 100 world class masters teaching their expertise via streaming HDTV via internet in 7 minute current content blasts for an affordable monthly fee. How great to watch Bill Bartmann discuss goal setting while I eat breakfast and then go out and apply that content?

What is Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year?
Become part of the top 10% of speakers on personal development worldwide.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
A few years ago the dvd The Secret took the world by storm. To date more than 7m copies have been sold. In June, the much awaited sequel, Beyond the Secret will be released. Five of the 8 stars are my business partners and therefore I am already teaching what will be revealed in the new release.

The Secret brought forth the concept that what we think about, we become. It lacked process and instructions, however. Beyond the Secret will give step by step instructions on how to have whatever you wish (without violating rights of others). I will be facilitating a telephone mastermind on how to apply the principles andprocesses that you will learn this month for those who secure their dvd through my site, MakeTheSecretWork.com .

How can our readers find you online? 

Web site: www.LifeSuccessLeslie.com
Web site: www.MakeTheSecretWork.com
Twitter: LeslieLSC
FaceBook: Leslie Lsc
YouTube: Leslie Flowers + Rock