"Do your research before making a decision on a skincare brand—it could save your skin from problems!"

Do your research before making a decision on a skincare brand—it could save your skin from problems!

By Cara Aley

Our skin is one of the first things someone notices when they look at us. Having a great skincare regimen is important, and finding the right skincare products can contribute immensely to the look and feel of your skin.

But before you make a decision on which skin care products to try, it is smart to do a little online research first to learn more about the brand’s reputation. Why?

Consumer reviews can tell you a lot. More and more consumers are looking at online product reviews so that they can make an informed decision on a product.

In fact, according to one report, more than 60% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase. You can find out how the product has worked for them, if it has led to breakouts, rashes, redness, or any other concerning issues, or if indeed the product has improved the look and feel of their skin.

You’ll find out if there is any litigation surrounding the brand. It’s well worth knowing if there has been any litigation relating to the brand—has anyone sued the brand for false claims or problems with the product that led to major skin issues? Don’t make the wrong decision on a potentially harmful or ineffective product because you didn’t take the time to understand the legal history of the business.

You’ll learn if the brand is doing anything meaningful for the world. If you like to buy socially responsible products, you can find out if your money will be contributed to anything more than lining the pockets of the skincare brand’s investors.

You may find out what employees of the company think. Learning how any brand you are supporting cares for its employees can make the difference in whether or not you choose to support the brand. You want to make sure that the company is ethical and treats its employees with respect, and that employees feel valued.

You can learn the history of the brand. Very often a skincare brand will have a Wikipedia site where you can learn all about the history of the brand. Since Wikipedia can be edited by anyone, you can find out both the good and the bad about a skincare brand before making a purchase.

Why spend your valuable money on a product that doesn’t work? Do your research before making a decision on a skin care product.

Why spend your valuable money on a product that doesn’t work? Do your research before making a decision on a skin care product.

In short, if you don’t do the upfront research on a skincare brand, you could be spending money on a product that will never be effective for you. In some cases, the product could actually be harmful to your skin or react with it negatively, which is why reading consumer reviews can be so enlightening.

Remember when reading consumer reviews that a full 10-15% of them are actually fake reviews (according to Mother Nature Network), so be sure to reference multiple review sites before drawing any hard conclusions about the skincare brand you are considering.

Cara Aley is a freelance writer who writes about everything from matters of health and wellness to methods for protecting your internet reputation. She is currently VP of Operations for Two Degrees, a one-for-one food bar company.