"What does Christmas Mean to You?"Christmas holds different meanings for everyone, as we get older Christmas changes from being about gifts to being a time to spend with family.  All young children love the expectation of Santa arriving and bringing hordes of gifts. It is wonderful to see their faces light up when that Xmas gift is placed in their hands.

So, this year why not take some time to reflect on Christmases gone by and see what this year will mean to you. What do you remember about Christmas when you were a child? Was it a time when you only thought about what presents and gifts you were going to get. Were you excited about having that turkey dinner along with Christmas cake and cookies?  Or maybe you were just hoping to see a white Christmas, once in your life.

There are so many different expectations and they all mean so much to us.

Now that you are older, you can take the time to reflect on what Christmas meant to you. Maybe this will provide a way to install a deeper meaning of Christmas into your children’s’ lives. It does seem that these days, kids are only concerned about receiving the latest blue ray videos and games.

What about going back to the root of Christmas?

The celebration of Christmas is the perfect time for a family gathering, this could possibly be the only time you can all get together. If so, you have the opportunity to reflect on the year gone by and see what your hopes and dreams are for next year.

Sitting by the fire sipping a glass of wine with family members, may be the only Christmas gift you want this year.