Expert And Bestselling Author Cathy Greenberg Reveals The Five Traits That Can Lead To Lifelong Happiness

For busy working mothers, finding a healthy, happy, balance between work and life is a constant struggle.  As any spouse or child can tell you, when mom’s not happy, no one is happy.  Dr. Cathy Greenberg – speaker, business adviser, radio host, and coauthor of WHAT HAPPY WORKING MOTHERS KNOW – reveals that the key to being your best is choosing happiness.  Recent studies and scientific research have shown that happiness is directly linked to success and accomplishments in life.  “By taking care of your own happiness, you will be better at everything you do, as a mother, worker, and partner,” explains Greenberg.

WHAT HAPPY WORKING MOTHERS KNOW gives women practical advice and effective strategies they can use to adjust their mindset and begin the journey to lasting happiness.  Greenberg and her coauthor Barrett Avigdor surveyed hundreds of women, and in the book, share poignant stories from around the world that will inspire readers to transform their own lives.

Some of the women whom readers will meet in WHAT HAPPY WORKING MOTHERS KNOW are:

Sue, a longtime working mother who survived deadly gastric bypass surgery.  She credits her happiness to always looking for the silver lining and managing to take time for herself every week, despite her hectic schedule caring for her elderly parents and having custody of her granddaughter.

Claudia, a lawyer and mother of two, who found happiness when she learned to ask for help from her husband, started paying attention to her personal values, and accepted that there’s no such thing as superwoman.

Anabelle, a single mom of two teenage sons, who figured out what was important to her.  She then made changes to simplify her life such as moving to a house that was within walking distance of her boys’ school and becoming one of the first people in her company to have a computer at home.

Through their research, the authors of WHAT HAPPY WORKING MOTHERS KNOW found that the common denominators for happiness are:  being healthy, adaptable, proud of your family, proud of your work, and feeling young at heart:

Being healthy – Physical health has a huge impact on brain function.  It’s important to eat right, drink lots of water, get enough sleep, and exercise.  “You are the CEO of the corporation that is your body, and it’s up to you to set the tone, direct the operations, and make the right decisions to boost the bottom line, which is your health,” says Greenberg.

Being adaptable – Change is a part of life.  How a person deals with change makes the difference between being stressed and being happy.  Having a clear sense of values, priorities, and purpose helps to make change less stressful and easier to get through.

Being proud of your family – Forgive yourself and others for not being perfect and be proud of your family.  Setting the bar impossibly high only ends in disappointment.  “Happiness requires that we take pride in what we have,” explains Greenberg.

Being proud of your work – Your values should align with your work, and you should feel proud of the contributions you make at any job.  A good job is not always a job done perfectly.

Feeling young at heart – Find joy in the simple things of life and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.  Focus on thoughts of love and appreciation, and take the positive path whenever possible.  When this occurs, the body produces the hormone DHEA, which prevents aging and gives us feelings of youthful vitality.

WHAT HAPPY WORKING MOTHERS KNOW is a handbook for moms that will show how positive psychology can lead to a healthy, happy, balanced life.  As Carolyn Kepcher, CEO of Carolyn & Co. and co-star of NBC’s The Apprentice, says,  “Women everywhere will recognize themselves in this book.  No matter where they are on the career ladder, working mothers can move beyond mere success and achieve true satisfaction:  a happy, balanced life that sets a positive tone for those around them.  Sounds impossible?  Cathy Greenberg and Barrett Avigdor show us how in this splendid work, chock full of wisdom, anecdotes, and real-life action steps and advice.”
About The Authors
Cathy L. Greenberg, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized authority on leadership and applying the new science of happiness.  She is a former managing partner at Accenture and CSC.  Greenberg is a contributor to many articles and bestselling books.  An acclaimed speaker and radio show host, she founded h2c – Happy Companies Healthy People – the first organization to specialize in coaching leaders on the art and science of building happy, high performance companies.  Her motto, “Happiness = Profit,” has become a mainstay for both her personal life and those she serves around the world.

Barrett S. Avigdor, J.D., is an international lawyer, executive coach, and Fulbright Scholar.  An innovator, trainer, and thought leader in talent strategy and management, she has been a member of the leadership team of Accenture’s Legal Group since 1995.  She helped establish Accenture’s strengths-based approach to their global talent and employee engagement initiative as both a facilitator and an author on the subject.  She can be found circling the globe spearheading her passion for excellence in human performance.