Prescription glasses have a precise application for visually impaired patients. They magnify vision to the extent necessary by using different lens sizes, but what do FL-41 glasses do? There are various applications for FL-41 glasses that aid visual ability and impact other related conditions. Here is more information about these glasses and when you need to get a pair of them.
What are FL-41 glasses?
FL-41 glasses are a type of lens or tint used on prescription glasses to minimize the effects of conditions triggered by exposure to light. Unlike sunglasses that dull light, FL-41 glasses do not use dark shades to reduce the eye’s exposure to brightness. Instead, FL-41 tinted glasses provide a mostly needed shield when exposed to blue light.
That means the tint best serves people who require help preventing blue light from causing more physiological problems. Others call these tint migraine glasses because of their efficacy in reducing migraines caused by exposure to blue light. They often have an orange color but do not affect eyesight even when worn indoors.
That is in direct contrast with sunglasses as they impair vision when worn indoors. Additionally, sunglasses could trigger dark ocular adaptation in sensitive people, but FL-41 glasses do not cause this issue.
Using this tint for light-triggered seizures
One of the prime applications for these glasses is to prevent light-triggered seizures. Patients could suffer from a light-triggered episode due to blue light emanating from desktop or mobile device screens. When there is a sudden change in colors or lighting, this can potentially lead to a seizure, varying in severity.
These seizures could worsen when the light source is more prominent and brighter. For example, watching a movie on a laptop or mobile device could be enough to trigger a seizure for sensitive people. FL-41 glasses can significantly absorb the effects of blue light on light-sensitive individuals. Users can then experience fewer seizures when exposed to blue light with sudden color flashes.
Reducing migraines with FL-41 glasses
FL-41 lenses are alternatively called migraine glasses, and this answers the question, when do you need them? If you suffer from migraines, FL-41 glasses can minimize the headaches caused by exposure to blue light. Migraine patients report reduced discomfort when using FL-41 tints on their prescription glasses.
You can read daily digital newsletters without suffering the repercussions of a painful headache. These glasses also impact your sleep quality since migraines can cause insomnia episodes. People that work on their computers for most of the day can experience fewer migraine symptoms. A side benefit of this is a good measure of productivity increase and general health improvement for migraine patients.
Managing Computer Vision Syndrome
Have you ever experienced distorted vision or other visual impairment after staring at a computer screen for prolonged periods? You could have symptoms of a disorder that is increasingly becoming a problem with potential long-term effects. People who work on their computers also suffer from Computer Vision Syndrome, which could also present symptoms similar to migraines.
In other cases, vision is blurred or distorted instead of causing a painful headache. A wide variety of glass tints are available for this disorder, but FL-41 has proven to be one of the most practical and efficient. In addition, FL-41 is more beneficial because you can use it both outdoors and indoors. As a result, FL-41 glasses are an effective solution for managing Computer Vision Syndrome.
The science behind blue-light blocking lenses
Amongst blue-light blocking lenses, FL-41 glasses use evidence-based scientific research. Instead of dimming brightness, this tint isolates specific wavelengths and minimizes their brightness levels. The most problematic wavelengths are ones related to blue and green colors.
Light sensitivity conditions are triggered mainly by a combination of blue and green. FL-41 targets these wavelengths and minimizes their sting on the patient’s eyes. The dampened blue and green wavelengths mildly affect visual receptors that transmit imagery to the brain. Thus, light-triggered seizures and migraines get significantly reduced. In addition to minimizing adverse physiological effects, FL-41 glasses improve contrast and sharpness, positively affecting visual acuity.
Where to get FL-41 glasses
If you are already using prescription glasses, FL-41 can get added as a tint by your optometrist. The best part is that this tint adapts well with others like scratch coatings and light-adaptive tinting. It is best to have FL-41 tinting first before adding any more layers.
Optometrists are the best place to get this tint, but other online vendors provide FL-41 glasses too. Getting them from an optometrist is the best option because you can get them as a value-added service when testing your eyes and getting new prescription glasses. If you already have spectacles without prior coatings, you can send your glasses through and get FL-41 tinting. Alternatively, if you do not have prescription glasses, choose a frame and ask for this tint to reduce the physiological effects of blue light.
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