Stacey Grieve of Why Are You Weighting in Toronto, On, Canada

Why Are You Weighting (WAYW) was started to help people with weight issues get to, and address the reasons behind their compulsion to overeat. Unlike dieting, which only addresses the symptom of the problem, which is the the weight, WAYW gets to the causative factors and neutralizes those. This approach removes the need to overeat, and leads to permanent weight reduction, along with improved self-esteem, increased self-awareness, and decreased stress and anxiety around food.

WAYW sells information in the form of a book called “Why Are You Weighting? It’s Not The Food That’s Making You Fat!” (Stacey Grieve is the author.) The book is available in paperback, e-book and audiobook formats.
And for those that want more help than a d-i-y book can offer, there is also the Triumph! Weight Coaching Program, which expands on, and adds to the concepts in the book. The program is run in small-groups, with a maximum 10 people per group, and uses an interactive conference call format, facilitated by Stacey herself.

Typical book purchasers and Triumph! enrollees are women, age 35-50, who have not been successful with their weight management through dieting and exercise alone. Many of these women have shed and then regained the same pounds over and over again, and often they find themselves thinking “I am never going to be able to get this weight off.”

Profit is earned through book sales, site memberships and Triumph! Weight Coaching enrollments. Addtional profit is earned through Stacey being hired for speaking engagements.

WAYW was pre-launched Spring 08 and then officially launched Fall 08.
Stacey Grieve is the founder and continues to be the driving force behind WAYW. Prior to WAYW, Stacey worked in health care as a Registered Massage Therapist and was the owner/operator of a busy complimentary health clinic in downtown Toronto. It was during this time that Stacey was finally able to overcome a life-long struggle with her own weight, which at its worst had her weighing in at 306 lbs.

By delving into herself, and learning about what triggered her compulsion to overeat, Stacey was able to shed 135 lbs which she has easily kept off now for over 6 years. She wrote the book  “Why Are You Weighting?” and started the website in order to share what she had learned that allowed her to be successful. Given that 95% of dieters fail to keep the weight off for more than a year, Stacey knew there were people out there who were looking for this information.

Feedback from the readers of the book and the Triumph! enrollees has been incredible as  these people come to understand that they need to lose the baggage to lose the weight. WAYW, although a young company, is changing the face of the weight loss industry, one person and one pound at a time!

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