We Magazine for women has grown so quickly we find we need Editors to cover a variety of topics.
Here are the topics and focus we currently need feature editors to oversee:
Best of the Web Editor – 1/2 page “brief” of new and emerging web trends (approximately 200 words)
Balance/Lifestyle Editor – Self-help, self-care, relationships, parenting, etc.
Small Business Editor – topics to include business, marketing, human resources, customer service, etc.
International Business Editor – topics and focus to include etiquette, culture, business opportunities, etc.
Book List Editor – Seasonal Book Reviews by women, for women and about women on a variety of business and life topics for the total woman in our Worth Reading Column
Product Reviews Editor – Technology, business, women’s products – the latest and greatest items that can enhance a women’s life, make our jobs easier and more managable
Food Editor – topics include interesting recipes, tips and advice to help women better manage their meal planning. We are also interested in including food specialties from around the world, famous restaurants and even interviews with famous chefs.
Feature Editors are responsible for submitting at least one article for each issue – that does not mean the editor has to WRITE the article; some of our editors submit articles written by others. When we receive queries in a particular topic are, they are forwarded to our editors to review.
Feature Editors are also responsible for submitting at least one blog post per quarter that will set the stage for what’s coming. For example: if you submit an article for the magazine on STRESS, you would write a “teaser” or maybe some tips about stress and then refer to the article in the upcoming issue even if you were not the author of the article.
In addition to Feature Editors, we invite Editors-at-large to submit timely, topic-specific articles for publication in upcoming issues.
And unlike other online women’s magazines, there is absolutely no cost to be an editor. The only thing we ask is that you either post a notice on your blog when the current issue hits the newstands or you post the cover with a hyperlink to the current issue.
If you are interested in being an editor for this premier magazine for women, send a message to heidi (at) wecai.org.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief