"WE Magazine Fall 2012 Success Alchemy"A few months ago I got an email from Maria Mar, The Dream Alchemist who is one of WE Magazine for Women’s frequent contributors. She was so excited as she told me about an idea she had for WE Magazine. She proposed to be the Special Guest Editor for an upcoming issue. Her focus was going to be on Women and Success. And she wanted to spearhead the entire project. That meant, gathering all the content, editing, laying it out, putting it together and producing the finished product.

She was so excited and had such a passion for the project, how could I say “no?” After all, she is a gifted writer and a talented artist. So I said “YES!” Absolutely. When she laid out her plan to include 20 incredibly smart and giving experts who would share their own stories to guide women to reach their own success, it seemed like a great idea. And it was. The result. The magazine you see before you. Success Alchemy. A spiritual, holistic approach to success – sometimes a little “edgy. Each article has a uniqueness you don’t often find in other publications of this nature.

Speaking of 20 experts, special thanks to Sherryl Frauenglass, Rodney Washington, Najaam Lee, Lisa Steadman, Corazón Tierra, Misa Hopkins, Cynthia Segal, Leesa Renee Hall, Karen Russo, Laura Hollick, Eva Gregory, Kimberly Englot, Laura West, Jennifer Lee, Mia Roman, Kathleen Gage, Nancy Mathews, Carolyn Beale, Tanya Paluso and of course Maria Mar for taking time to write a thought-provoking, mind-altering article for Success Alchemy.

You can read the issue here (PDF):
http://www.staging.wemagazineforwomen.com/pdfs/WEmagazineFall2012.pdf (or click on the turning page version below).

And yes, it is a bit off the beaten path from our “normal” issues, but maybe, just maybe it will get women to really embrace their own unique talents and more importantly, CHANGE for the better or improve on the good. And really, that is all WE can hope for. To make a difference in the lives of women. After all, many of you have made a huge difference in mine.

So with a leap of faith and a confidence that Maria would do a superb job, I decided to relinquish most of the control of the fall issue of WE Magazine to her. And I’m glad I did. In fact, Maria went above and beyond my own expectations. She knew exactly what she wanted to accomplish. Working with Maria was like watching a work of art come to life before your very eyes. With this issue, Maria wanted you to get “more than you bargained for.” And I would say “Mission accomplished.”

My deepest and most humble appreciation goes to Maria Mar for all the work she did in putting together the Success Alchemy. I only hope she will consider doing it again sometime!

To your success… and then some,


Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

ps. Be sure to click on the valuable resources each author shares at the end of their article. These added ‘bonuses’ are yours to keep.