Family Business Cover Story Competition RULES & ENTRY FORM 

Thank you for your interest in entering the Family Business Cover Story Competition. Here are the rules and entry form:


Entry Fees
The fee to enter the Family Business Cover Story Competition is $20.  For each entry you submit, the $20 entry fee must be paid or the entry will be automatically disqualified. Once the fee is paid, you will have access to the page with how to submit your entry. (VOID where prohibited by law). You may be asking why there is an entry fee? Last year we hosted the competition and did not charge an entry fee. We received more than 200 replies and the Competition Entries took countless hours to review. Some of which was done by volunteers. However, we spent at least 100 staff hours compiling, editing and including the stories both in the magazine and on the website.  So this year we decided that in order to effectively do this we had to charge a small fee. This will also encourage only series complete submissions. We have kept the entry fee low in order to encourage businesses of all sizes to enter and to keep it affordable.

All Entries Must:
• Meet all eligibility and deadline requirements.
• Conform to defined submission requirements.
• Include entry fee.
• Conform to all National and International Copyright Laws.
• Be submitted digitally.

Deadline for submission Midnight (EST) April 7th, 2010.


When submitting entry fee you will be asked to include the following:

Name and contact email of Person Completing Submission

This can be “entrant” or an assignee (such as PR person or staff member)

Entrant Names and Company Title or Positions

One of the Entrants must be a WOMAN to be considered.  The entrant does not need to be a small business owner. Entrant can be a business owner or staff member of a company owned by a family member. All entrants must submit complete information to be considered. All entrants must have a web-presence in the form of a blog or website. Entrant must also be in current position for at least one year. Contributors and advertisers to WE Magazine for Women may enter Family Business Cover Story Competition, however all staff of WE Magazine for Women and or their immediate family are not eligible to enter. In addition, past cover story subjects are not eligible to enter.

Each entrant will be required to submit responses to approx. 10 questions about their business.  The questions can be replies by each person individually or as a compiled response.  We do not ask any financial questions during this interview. Our main goal is to find out the “keys to a successful working relationship among women and their family members.”

Link to Questions will be sent to entrant via email upon successful submission of Entry Fee. You will also be asked to submit the following:

City, State or Provence, Postal Code and Country
Phone number

One photograph in jpeg or gif format. It must be a large enough size to fit on an 8.5 by 11.5 cover. Winners will be asked to submit at least one additional photos for the inside story. Photos must be high-quality resolution to be considered for the cover ~ at least 300 dpi of the Entrants. The cover photograph should be a picture of the Entrants together. Ideally a photo in a business setting is what we are looking for. Judging is based upon responses and photo submissions so be sure the photos you send represent the entrant well.

Here’s an example of our Spring Cover subjects from 2009:
Deadline for submission: April 7th, 2010.

Click the BUY NOW button to get started!



When making payment be sure to include the Name of the WOMAN you are entering in the competition by clicking on the “special instructions to the seller.” A box will come up for you to include the information.Once payment is received you will receive the entry form which includes all the above information, and instructions about how/where to submit your entry form.


Deadline for submission April 7th, 2010. No exceptions.
Note: All decisions of the judges are final. Upon payment of entry fee and appropriate submission form, you will be notified by email that your entry was received.  No entry will be accepted until both criteria have been met.  Entry fees are non-refundable. Entries become the property of WE Magazine. By submitting your entry (including entry fee) you are giving permission to WE Magazine for Women to use your story in our digital magazine and/or on our website. Submission into our Family Business Cover Story Competition does not guarantee your story will be used either online or in our digital editions. (VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW).



By entering this Competition you agree that once submission form has been submitted, all entry fees are non-refundable.  Please note submission of entry fee and form, etc. does not guarantee you placement in our digital magazine. It does however give you the opportunity of being included in our online magazine, on our press page and showcased in upcoming stories. 

Yes, I want to enter the WE Magazine for Family Business Cover Story Competition!


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*Note: once payment is received you will receive a link to the submission form which includes your interview questions.