By Mary Braun

shoppinggraphicOk, so you’ve worked tirelessly around the clock to create the perfect Christmas atmosphere for your guests as you await their arrival. You have hung all of the decorations, the Christmas dinner is all but ready to be eaten, and you’ve checked your gift list up and down to make sure that all gifts are accounted for. Your guests begin to arrive and something occurs that you simply did not conceive would be a problem. Someone you overlooked or someone who simply was not on your gift list turns up with one of your guests. Your first instinct is to panic and frantically scour the house for something that you may be able to put together as a list minute gift. Let’s stop this whole scenario before you create that crudely put together gift and rewind a bit to help you get yourself out of this unexpected jam.

Let’s go back to the time when you were shopping for the others on your list. After you have everything covered and everyone that you expect to arrive is checked off of your list, your shopping experience is not quite over yet. We’re going to need some materials that will cover any unexpected visitor that could possibly walk through your door. Naturally the gift will not be perfect, but it can at least seem as if you planned on them being there rather than quickly wrapping whatever you have lying around the house that you think may suit them. First let’s pick up a gift card or two to some restaurants or national department stores that you enjoy shopping at. If the unexpected guest never shows up, the spare gift isn’t wasted. It can be used for a future birthday or anniversary gift, or even saved for yourself.

While we’re at it, a few nice candles and a non-gender oriented gift basket are a nice idea to purchase as well. A nice bottle of wine paired with a sinful box of chocolates makes a nice gift basket for anyone. And if you never have to give it away during the holiday season, you can indulge in it yourself. You may need a couple of toys that will suit either or a boy or girl may also be necessary, say a cleaver looking piggy bank or a silver plated yoyo. Maybe even a harmonica which is far less annoying than a drum!

Now all we have to do is make sure that we have a little bit of extra wrap and gift tags on hand, and we are ready to tackle whatever problems may arise. Fast forward to the party, and there they are, walking through your door, that unexpected guest that previously could have put you in a state of desperation will not upset you. All that’s left to do now is excuse yourself for just a moment while you quickly and easily prepare a gift that will make it seem as if you were well prepared for any scenario, which after all, you were. That unexpected guest will be impressed with your thoughtfulness and remember your holiday party for years to come.


Mary Braun writes articles to help shoppers find gifts, provides shopping tips, and explains how to benefit from personalized gifts, promotional products, and awards. Her work is sponsored by Wealthwood Gifts Wealthwood Gifts and Blog Wealthwood ~ Impress an unexpected guest by having extra Christmas gifts around to make them feel welcome at your party. Wealthwood Gifts has an abundance of personalized gifts to choose from.
More great holiday gift-giving articles and ideas can be found in  our new Holiday Gift-giving Guide at