Business Ethics For Dummies® Will Steer Your Business in the Best Direction

"Business Ethics for Dummies"All you have to do is turn on the news to see why it’s crucial for businesses and government agencies to operate ethically. Sooner or later, sneaky behaviors ranging from hidden missteps to downright dishonesty will come to light—and chances are, they’ll hurt internal productivity as well as the bottom line. That’s why, in order to prevent these sorts of reputation-damaging crises, business ethics has become required coursework for most students in undergraduate and postgraduate business programs.

Essentially a business ethics course conveniently packaged within one cover, Business Ethics For Dummies® examines ethical theory and discusses the moral issues facing corporate America. It covers topics such as conflicts of interest, trade secrets and insider trading, product safety and product liability, hiring, drug testing, sexual harassment, diversity, and much more. In short, it will give you the tools to make black-and-white sense of all those morally gray areas that might otherwise trip you up. Read on for a small sampling of the topics you’ll learn about:

• Ethics 101: The basics of ethics and making ethical decisions

• The Truth about Transparency: Why being open with workers promotes ethical behavior from management down (and how to make it work for you)

• Burnishing the Brand: How to evaluate and protect your business’s good name

• The Business of Best Interests: Advice on mapping out stakeholder interests that influence your business

• Mapping the Terrain: A discussion of moral issues facing corporate America

Packed with easy-to-understand explanations and examples, Business Ethics For Dummies is a helpful resource for students, professors, business owners, managers, and CEOs who seek a clear understanding of the importance of ethics.

About the Authors:

Norman E. Bowie is professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota. He received the first lifetime achievement award in scholarship from the Society for Business Ethics.

Meg Schneider is an award-winning writer who has experience in television, radio, and print journalism and public relations.

About the Book:

Business Ethics For Dummies(Wiley Publishing, Inc., March 2011, ISBN: 978-0-470-60033-7, $21.99) is available at bookstores nationwide, major online booksellers, or directly from the publisher by calling (877) 762-2974.