"VERBAL ABUSE DOES NOT LEAVE BRUISES "According to the Centers for Disease Control 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men will be the victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives

It’s time to start educating family and friends on the warning signs of verbal abuse which plays a huge part of domestic violence.

Patricia Evans, author of VICTORY OVER VERBAL ABUSE: A Healing Guide To Renewing Your Spirit and Reclaiming Your Life says that unlike physical abuse, victims of verbal abuse often don’t know they are being harmed until the damage begins to take an alarming toll on their well-being and self-esteem.

The warning signs of verbal abuse are:

• Abusive anger: Innocent comments can spark a rage.

• Criticizing: Derogatory comments are always being made about your weight or figure.

• Name-calling: You are labeled a liar or a hypocrite for no reason.

• Threatening: Taunts of being left out of important occasions or disinherited are common.

• Blaming: It is always your fault when someone else misbehaves.


Patricia Evans  is a nationally acclaimed consultant who has written the first guide to identify verbal abuse and show step-by-step how a victim can get free and begin to heal with affirmations, techniques and advice on professional help. She is the founder of the Evans Interpersonal Communications Institute (EICI) whose work has been called “groundbreaking” by Newsweek magazine and is the author of four bestselling books that have helped millions of people live happier, healthier and abuse-free lives. She has appeared on 200 radio shows and 20 national TV shows including CNN and “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. For more information Visit www.verbalabuse.com