Note from the Publisher: I met Terry Orendi when I attended the BIG EVENT in West Palm Beach a couple of weeks ago. There was something about her that made me want to learn more and share her story. She is definitely a Woman on a Mission!
Meet Theresa Orendi, Founder / President of Bountiful Blessings Inc. in Mechanicsburg, PA
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your professional background.
First and foremost, I am a servant of God. I grew up in the Pittsburgh area. I am the oldest of 3 girls. I have been married to my husband, Ron for 34 years. We have 2 grown children, Joshua and Kristi.
My husband and I owned a flower shop for 9 year (77-86) employing 5-11 employees. After selling the business, I was hired in the commercial claims department of an insurance company. I was blessed with 3 promotions within 2 years. After earning multiple insurance designations and working on the Hurricane Andrew CAT team, I moved on to a self-insured carrier. I was hired to assist in establishing their company’s presence in Pennsylvania. During this time, I completed my college degree majoring in English / Communications. After 5 years in management, I left the company and accepted a position in central Pennsylvania as an insurance adjuster. I started and developed Bountiful Blessings Inc. from its inception to a multi-state charity.
WE understand you have started a new organization. Tell us about it such as the inspiration behind it and the community need it serves.
Bountiful Blessings Inc is the name of our organization. It was inspired by God, who guided each step of the design. He selected the church where the program would begin and laid out the circumstances in which the program would be accepted by the church leadership. Bountiful Blessings Inc serves struggling families by providing them with toiletries, personal hygiene, cleaning products, baby needs, etc. We focus on non-food items. There are plenty of food banks, but there is no program that focuses only on non-food items.
What are your long-term goals for it?
The long term goal for Bountiful Blessings is to serve struggling families through churches across the USA. We aim to continue to bring families back to the church in order to have their needs met. All recipient families are required to volunteer time back, either to the Bountiful Blessings program or within the host church site. Through volunteerism the recipients find hope, grow their self-esteem, gain confidence and improve their lives. The families see the church as an instrument of positive change for their lives as the church members, recipients and volunteers work together for the good of each family. The host churches experience an intergenerational cooperation as they strive to meet a goal – reaching out to the community.
How can we learn more about Bountiful Blessings?
To learn more about Bountiful Blessings, you can visit one of our 18+ locations, visit our website at: or the Bountiful Blessings facebook page or call the office at: 717-802-1222.
How has your support impacted the organization? You/your company?
Bountiful Blessings can be viewed as little franchises housed within the host churches that serve struggling families. So, on a site by site basis I may not have a very large impact. The site leaders have a larger impact there. However, on the larger scale, the Board of Directors and myself make the decisions that impact the finances and direction of the organization. As head of the Board of Directors, my vision for the organization is what moves it in the directions we are growing.
Tell us about any new projects you have coming up (or recently completed).
We have successfully had 3 teenagers complete our scholarship program over the last 4 years. The last teen received his scholarship in 2010. Now, I would like to bring in a few more teenagers to begin the 2 year journey required as part of our scholarship program. We accept teenagers in their freshman or sophomore year of high school who have a heart to serve others. They must remain in high school with plans for a post high school path (trade school, college). They are required to read 8 books and do 4 book reports. They are given a book list to choose the books they are interested in. Topics range from personal growth to leadership to financial intelligence to learning people skills. Through the journey of the scholarship program, they gain experience in overseeing a part of a site’s operation and doing a marketing program directly related to their post high school path.
What is the biggest risk you ever took professionally and/or the biggest obstacle you have overcome?
When God called me, it meant moving my family 200 miles to an area where we knew no one. My daughter was in her sophomore year of high school and my son was a senior in college. I had to explain to my family that I was leaving to go where God was calling me to (but I did not know what that was). I was moving and they could either come with me or stay. I did not know what they would decide to do.
From where do you draw inspiration? Who have been your role models, mentors, etc?
I draw inspiration from the Bible. I talk with God every day. God and I travel the highways together as I make deliveries to some of the sites. My husband is an excellent communicator and has been a role model for me in that arena. My son has been my role model to show me how far you can go with razor focus. My daughter has taught me discipline. My pastor is my spiritual guide who keeps me on the right path. My aunt is my example of a Godly woman.
What do you do to keep yourself sharp? What one thing have you done in the past year that has made a significant difference in your life/your business?
I get more sleep. When I was younger, I could go on 4 hours of sleep and not give it much thought. Now, I find if I get my rest, I think clearer. So, I make sure I get 6 hours a night.
I also write down what I will accomplish each week. I put it in my planner / calendar so that I look at it each day.
What one thing would you like to learn this year?
I would like to develop myself further, so that I can transfer the passion I have for outreach and serving those in need. I would like to instill that hunger to help others to some of our volunteers as well as to some of the churches in the areas central to where Bountiful Blessings sites are located.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years, I foresee Bountiful Blessings having its 2nd regional office up and running. That regional office will be located in southern West Virginia. Within the next 5 years, we will be opening sites in Virginia, Kentucky and the Carolinas. I see myself traveling a lot to promote and educate groups, churches, businesses and individuals about Bountiful Blessings. Currently, I travel throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland. As we continue to grow, I will be traveling more.
What do you do for fun/relaxation/entertainment?
I love to read. First, is the Bible. There are also some great motivational writers who can inspire and help me in my own development. I really like Les Brown, Jim Stovall and Max Lucado.
For relaxation, I like to crochet. Each year I crochet at least one afghan. Crocheting enables me to wind down and provides me time to think.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Yes, God has designed each of us with a purpose. I believe we should ask him what that purpose is. Just know that you may be totally surprised how he uses you. Remember, God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Bountiful Blessings is a story of a woman’s obedience to God and how she followed Him on the journey He had planned for her.
The Bountiful Blessings story / journey is filled with tears, smiles, laughter, frustration, fulfillment, faith, love and dependency. We receive stories from our site coordinators at each site about how lives have been changed simply by having a Bountiful Blessings site in their area. The changes come from within the church membership and within the community. Bountiful Blessings is about so much more than shampoo, toothpaste and bathroom tissue. It’s about hope. It’s about a renewed sense of worth. It’s about building self confidence. It’s about people learning that they truly do matter.
What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you?
I can always be reached by phone or text at 717-802-1222. You can email me at: or send me a facebook message. The website is: