Meet Bea Kunz of Sage Hill Farms in Petersburg, Tennessee Editor of the Month for October!


" Meet Bea Kunz ~ Earthwise Editor"

Meet Bea Kunz ~ EARTHWISE EDITOR. Bea Joined our team in September of 2007. Bea Kunz, owns and operates Sage Hill Farms. A Sustainable farm project that grew out of Bea’s desire to return to her childhood roots of living on a farm, and her growing concern for our earth and our food sources. Bea has farming roots that span generations. Along with her recent study and training under a Master Gardener and Herbalist she has undertaken the Sage Hill Farms project with dedication and a determination to make her part of the earth a healthier place to live and to pass on to the next generation. Bea also works in the area of teaching others how to live and practice a sustainable lifestyle.

I fell in love with books at the age of 5 or 6, by the time I was 12 I was totally convinced that I would grow up and become a famous writer. Life being as changable as we know it to be, those dreams were shelved and my direction was forever altered.Tell us a little bit about yourself and your writing career . When did you first discover you enjoyed writing?

However, at the age of 45 or so , I entered a literary contest and won a schloarship for a 2 year writing course under the direction of an accomplished writer/author/teacher.

This , in some small way confirmed that my dream was not just fodder for a young girls wishlist. I’m comfortable when writing and it brings me satisfaction.

What are your favorite topics to write about?

For many years I have been writing on the subject of my family’s history, my focus being on the women of my maternal ancestry.

I’m an advocate for ” Truth In Labeling,” the right to know what is in our food. I’m also an avid researcher and work to promote education on healthier lives through food choices. As a result my topic of choice is most often on ” gardening and the production of organic food.”

What do you enjoy about writing for WE Magazine for Women?

I’m so very grateful for the audience that WE Magazine allows me to reach.

Making contacts and friendships with women from all around the world….what could be better~

What projects are you currently working on?

Being the owner and head dirt hauler at “Sage Hill Farms” a Sustainable Farm Project-there is always something new in the works.

But…there is something very special in the early stages that will be offered on the internet as well as locally…revolves around gardening…will share more about that when more is finalized.

Tell us about the services/products you offer.

Sage Hill Farms has a website that offeres dried herbs, herbal/blended seasonings, blended teas, and herbal tisanes.

These are carefully grown from organic and heirloom seeds. Hand harvested, dried and processed in a specially built drying barn that is used for nothing else.

Blended and packaged by “me” or under my direction.

Locally I offer one on one instruction on getting to know herbs and the many ways to use them.

Sage Hill Farms is a “chemical free” farm, for the health of the environment and for the health of our customers and family.

What do you do for fun/relaxation?

Love hiking the North Carolina mountains, antiquing for rare finds, and family retreats.

What question would you like to answer that has not been asked?

I am constantly being asked ” where do I start?” when discussing better health through our food choices. While this is not a one answer fits everybody-there are some very basic things that one must be willing to do in order to achieve the goal of good health.

Artificial sweeteners, colas of all description, smoking, and processed foods are the main culprits in bringing on and promoting illness. Remove these things and your journey to a healthier life is half accomplished.

How can our readers contact you?

I can be reached through the website at:

By email: beakunz(at)

By phone:

931-438-8328…Sage Hill Farms


I can also be found on:

and I would love to have you visit and become a follower of my blog….The Beatitudes

In Gratitude to Heidi Richards Mooney and all the beautiful women and men who help me to do what I do.

Bea Kunz