Purple Rose "Generosity" from Lavie DelaRose…Combining Ancient Technology with Future Science

By Dr. Natalia M Schotte 

Flower essences are a profound form of energy medicine and have long been part of the tradition of Earth-based and Shamanic healing. For millennia, healers of all descriptions have accessed and utilized the intelligence inherent in Nature for a variety of purposes, particularly personal transformation. From Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to the Aborigines of Australia, civilizations around the world have revered the power of flowers and used flower remedies for emotional, physical and spiritual healing. Paracelsus, the 15th century botanist and physician, wrote specifically about collecting dew from flowering plants, diluting it and using the liquid to treat imbalances in his patients.

The New Flower Essences

In recent times, this ancient technology has experienced a significant evolution, becoming one of the most potent forms of natural healing available for assisting us to meet the unique challenges of our times. As the speed of change escalates and our individual and collective challenges intensify, it is time to allow Nature to guide us to solutions to our most perplexing problems.

There are flower essence practitioners doing pioneering work in the fields of health and spirituality. They are at the leading edge of new thought and are laying the foundation for future science. The traditional remedies are still effective for their intended purposes; however, flower essences holding new patterns of consciousness provide solutions at a level that has not previously existed, assisting us to address challenges we have never before faced. They support our development into more evolved, spiritually mature and vital human beings.

How Flower Essences Are Made

Every flower holds a pattern of consciousness or ‘energy signature.’ The flower essence practitioner chooses blossoms that have reached their peak potency and immerses the petals in water. The practitioner invokes Nature’s intelligence to extract the essence of the flower, specifically its healing properties. After sitting in the sun for several hours, the solution is preserved, usually with brandy or vinegar. The resulting stock solution, called Mother Tincture, is used to create dosage bottles.


How Flower Essences Work

Each flower essence has a specific purpose. When you take a flower essence (on or under the tongue), the ‘energy signature’ it holds enters your subtle energy system and is translated into the physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual levels, creating shifts over time. The effects of flower essences are subtle and profound, immediate and long-term. Your level of sensitivity determines how quickly a flower essence has an effect on your subtle energy system and your ability to notice the effect. To increase your sensitivity, adopt higher nutritional practices (e.g., cleansing, fasting, juicing, raw cuisine, etc.). Also consider increasing the time you spend in spiritual practices (e.g., empowered prayer, meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga, etc.).

Healing versus Suppression

We are accustomed to addressing symptoms by suppressing them, rather than healing their underlying metaphysical causation. Ultimately, to experience health and well-being, we must heal imbalances at their point of origin within our consciousness, i.e., imprints from past experiences such as childhood trauma. We must also make the requisite life changes to align our lives with the impulses of our Souls.

All flower essences address underlying causation to some extent. The flower essences based in the new Aquarian consciousness provide an opportunity for us to take our inner healing to new levels – reaching final resolution of the past, setting the stage for optimal health and supporting us to reach higher levels of consciousness.

Choosing the Correct Flower Essences

There are many flower essences on the market with a variety of purposes. Here are some examples of the new flower essences:

Rose ‘Angel Face’ produces a flower essence which assists us to transcend the Piscean dynamics of co-dependent giving and conditional love and anchor the Aquarian dynamic of Extension of Self through Unconditional Love. The result is the experience of authentic intimacy and Oneness-essential aspects of evolved consciousness. It is especially useful for exposing what we require to heal in order to overcome patterns of codependent giving and/or withholding. If we are experiencing any form of lack in our lives, it assists us in transforming the perceptions that are keeping us from the ‘miracle of receiving.’

Rose ‘Europeana’ produces a flower essence which draws us into the Inner Sanctum of the Self where we experience our perfection as a Soul incarnate. It supports relinquishing non-essential activities and the primacy of the thinking mind so we are able to seat our consciousness in the Inner Sanctuary of the Self. In this Inner Sanctuary, we experience the eternal and changeless nature of Being. We come to know that we are innocent even when we appear guilty, we are whole even when we appear broken, and there is no death even though we appear to die.

With so many flower essences available, how do you know what to choose?

1. Decide at which level you wish to work

When choosing a brand of flower essences, recognize each brand has a different purpose and intended level of effect. Some address physical imbalances, others work on the emotional/mental issues underlying physical imbalances, and still others go deeper, working at the spiritual level. Working at the spiritual level allows you to achieve authentic resolution and ultimate transcendence of your challenges.

2. Assess flower essence quality

There is great diversity in flower essence quality. One of the key factors is the land on which the flowers are grown. Land that is chemical-free, energetically and physically balanced and maintained at the highest level produces the most potent flowers. The consciousness of the flower essence practitioner is also critical to the quality of the flower essences.

3. Choose flower essences that support your highest unfoldment at this time

Use your intuition supported by the names of the flower essences, their purpose statements and corresponding photos, and/or use muscle-checking or dowsing (with a pendulum).

Recognizing the Effects of Flower Essences

Be conscious of prematurely judging the efficacy of flower essences and, therefore, prematurely discontinuing their use. I had a client who was taking flower essences to support her in addressing the underlying issues related to a long-standing depression, for which she was heavily medicated. After a few months she wrote to say she was going to discontinue using the flower essences because she hadn’t noticed any changes. I encouraged her to keep taking them. A year later, I saw her 60 pounds lighter, with a smile on her face, having made a series of positive life changes.

We have become accustomed to arduous and complicated approaches to personal growth. Though our evolutionary leaps can be challenging, our personal growth can be simplified…and accelerated. Such is the gift of flowers. The ancient Maya call the new age beginning on December 21, 2012, the Age of ‘Itza’ which means, among many things, ‘peace and flowers.’ It is time for us to blossom. Let us now choose perfected flowers to guide our unfoldment of the Peace and Beauty within.


Dr. Natalia M Schotte is an internationally acclaimed author, counselor, speaker, spiritual healer and also founder of La Vie de la Rose™ Flower Essences, which offers the FIRST and ONLY Nature-based system dedicated to Accelerated Spiritual Growth®. This integrated system includes 30 individual flower essences, 8 flower essence sets, The Ascension Oracle Solutions (all 30 La Vie de la Rose flower essences in dram-size – companion flower essence set to The Ascension Oracle) and The Ascension Oracle (30 gorgeous cards featuring photos of flowers from the gardens of La Vie de la Rose, along with a 128-page guide book with profound spiritual guidance – companion card deck to The Ascension Oracle Solutions). While each can be used separately, when used together, the acceleration of spiritual growth is amplified.

For more information, visit www.laviedelarose.com