"Ceo of your entire life"Featuring Kris Cavanaugh

Just as C.E.O.s enthusiastically take responsibility for their companies, people who are C.E.O.s of their lives are enthusiastic and empowered. They know that their life is under their own control.

• They feel in control because they’ve learned reliable processes for setting, pursuing and achieving their goals.

• They feel in control because the more often they reach a goal, the better they become at overcoming internal and external obstacles that stopped them in the past.

• They feel in control because they’ve learned how to see internal and external obstacles as challenges to be met and opportunities to be enjoyed.

• And the best part — when they feel in control it typically results in a Thriving Quality of Life both personally and professionally!

Last week Heidi Richards Mooney Interviewed Kris Cavanaugh and during the call, Kris made the audience an offer for her Shift to Success Package. WE wanted to remind you that July 9th is the deadline to take advantage of the Shift to Success Package at an 85% discount (for only $57, you will receive $399 in valuable items to help you begin shift-ing to C.E.O. of YOUR life!!).

Click here to review the package details: Surviving Any Economy By Becoming C.E.O. of Your Entire Life & Success Package (and the $120 in free gifts).

**Note the special BONUS GIFTS when you order within the next 2 days!**

60-Minute Strategy Meeting with a certified Executive & Life Coach

Stuck to C.E.O. Book & Journal

C-Suite Assessment

Tip Sheet: 85 Ideas to SHIFT to C.E.O. of Your Entire Life

Motivation to Win E-Book (by Heidi Richards Mooney)

BONUS GIFTS valued at $120.00:

1. Audio Book – Stuck to C.E.O.

2. Shift University – 1 Year Membership

To listen to the interview with Kris, visit: 


Feel free to share the link with your colleagues and ANYONE you know would benefit from the principals Kris shared.

Feel free to call Kris at 404-551-3601 if you have any questions.

To your success… and then some,

Heidi and Kris