Our readers appreciate the time and money savings of shopping online. And they also appreciate time and money-advice and tips a guide such as this will provide.
If you have a unique, affordable and/or popular product or service you would like to promote to our more than 1,500 visitors a day, the WOMEN’S HOLIDAY GIFT-GIVING GUIDE is for you. Promoting your product in our guide is affordable and practical.
In fact, for as little as $25 you can list your product or service in this year’s guide!
The WOMEN’S HOLIDAY GIFT-GIVING GUIDE will feature full-length holiday articles interspersed with the many gifts listed in this years guide. The guide will be in the same formats as our digital magazine as a downloadable PDF and Turning-page Catalog.
The 2010 WOMEN’S HOLIDAY GIFT-GIVING GUIDE will be promoted via social networking sites such as FACEBOOK and TWITTER, during our weekly events and in eMonday News a bi-weekly ezine that is distributed to more than 5,000 women every other week.
In addition, media releases will be sent to major media outlets around the U.S both online and offline.
Today is the perfect time to list YOUR PRODUCT or SERVICE.
Ad sizes and pricing:
Full-page ad is 8 inches wide by 10 inches high Only $65
Order Your Full-page ad here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9379392
Half-page ad is 8 inches wide and 5 inches high only $45!
Order Your Half-page ad here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9379367
Quarter-page ad is 4 inches wide and 5 inches high only $25
Order Your Quarter-page ad here:
Ad and payment must be submitted by November 7, 2010.
Format: Your ad can be in jpeg, gif or PDF formats. Once payment has been made, submit your ad to heidi (at) wemagazineforwomen.com with “Here’s My Holiday Gift Guide Ad” in the subject line.
Reserve your space NOW! We have limited space for full and half-page ads so take advantage of this opportunity TODAY! Ads are subject to approval (we will not accept for products we deem are not suitable for our audience – if in doubt, please email us for review).
AD space is on a first-come basis. If you are interested in having exclusivity for your ad, or the inside front or back cover or outside back cover, contact news (at) wemagazineforwomen (dot) com for pricing.
If you have any questions about the WOMEN’S HOLIDAY GIFT-GIVING GUIDE, send an email to Heidi (at) WeMagazineforwomen (dot) com (no spaces).
Take advantage of this recession-conscience holiday advertising opportunity TODAY!
Deadline for submission: Midnight (EST), November 7, 2010.
*Note: if you need help putting your graphics together or creating an ad, be sure and let us know. For as little as $50 we can create an ad for you.