"safety- women's safety"What Do You Do When a Stranger Approaches You in a Parking Lot?

Personal Safety Tip #1 How to Avoid an Attack:

The most commonly asked question is what do you do if you are approached in a parking lot by a stranger? No one likes to be rude but bad guys can take advantage of your good nature. So what do you do if you’re approached?

The best self defense is to not allow yourself to be put in a vulnerable situation in the first place. The best way to do this is to keep your distance from this person. Everyone has their own personal space and if you allow that stranger to come too close to you then you may not have enough time to react.

The best way to keep your distance from a potential attacker is to extend your hand up in front of you at eye level and ask that person what they want. It is important you have it at the eye level of that person which is more intimidating. You can say whatever you feel comfortable saying to that person but do it with purpose. Say it with an authoritative voice! Excuse me can I help you? Please keep your distance, what do you want? etc. This act alone can improve your odds of survival. The person approaching you now knows that you are well aware of him; bad guys want the element of surprise and easy targets. With your hand up as it is, anyone in the parking lot looking in your direction can see that this could be a bad situation. You don’t even have to say anything; your hand up says it all! This action is a universal language that you do not want that person any closer. Most people have cell phones and can call 911 to report that something is going on in the parking lot that does not look right. Please send an officer right away!

Keep in mind if that person is a good guy he will apologize and walk in a different direction, if not NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE SAYING you MUST KEEP YOUR DISTANCE because you may be in serious personal danger. Please keep in mind this technique is a preventative measure to avoid an attack and it will improve your odds of survival but it is also a test! This will tell you right away if you’re in immediate danger and if you may need to react further.

One in Every Three Women will be attacked in their Lifetime in some fashion. One out of every six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime, 1 out of 4 women are a victim of domestic violence.

Tracy Vega is the CEO for Simple Self Defense for Women ® and blogger for the Balancing Act on Lifetime Television. www.simpleselfdefenseforwomen.com