By Adele M. Gill, RN
Technology has exponentially changed my life for the better since back in college when we I used to pay someone by the page to type research papers and nursing care plans. Back in the late ‘70’s, we had no computers, no cell phones, no Black Berry’s. Life was really different without IPODs and all the advanced technology we have today. Ready or not, technology is here to stay. From reading the paper online to communicating through social media like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, to preparing documents for the boardroom to shopping online to save time and money, the computer age is upon us.
Technology has greatly helped busy women multi-task as they work to balance family and work, all the while appearing to do it gracefully and with ease. Clearly, the technological age has helped make life so much easier in a myriad of ways and everyone uses technology in their own special way.
Recently, while enjoying my first morning cup of coffee to get going, while checking e-mail, Facebook and twitter and getting ready for another hectic day working from home, I ventured online in search of some savvy techno-inspiration and much needed motivation to get going for the day. Feeling harried, I sat down at the computer and googled “inspiration” and quickly found some extraordinary inspirational resources that helped ease the tension of looking at the sweeping day ahead. What started out as a whim, turned out to be a great motivational adventure as I found a virtual plethora of inspirational websites designed to inspire and encourage providing me with ample assistance for an early morning attitude adjustment. Afterall, who doesn’t need an attitude adjustment from time to time?
First I went to the “World of Inspiration” website at where I found many time-honored inspirational quotes including one of my favorites by Thomas Edison, “Many of life’s failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Truly great encouragement for anyone to stay focused and on track. Then I visited and was reminded by Mahatma Ghandi that “You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Then there was Eleanor Roosevelt advising people, “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” And of course, how different my day would have been had I missed the renown quote by Dr. Martin Luther King JR, “All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.
After taking a few minutes to gain all that wisdom through the internet, I remembered a scripture I was interested in revisiting, so I went to for a little faith boost. There, I was able to finish up my inspirational retreat reading one of my all time favorite scriptures, “All things work for good for those who love God…” (Romans 8:28).
Technology is truly amazing, and a welcome to any busy woman’s schedule as it has the ability to make life more organized, more interesting, and in some ways, more simplified. Especially working at home, where would I be without technology to help me stay connected throughout the course of the day via the cell phone, e-mail and social media?
It is no wonder that my kids call me techno-mom. In fact, I think I’ll get up a little early tomorrow to start the day right with another techno-inspirational retreat before starting my busy day.
Adele M. Gill, RN is a freelance writer and author of 2 books, “Patient Persistence” and the forthcoming “7 Pathways to Hope” due for publication this fall.