"Valentines Romance Quiz"is less than you Imagined or Nonexistent!

From Best Selling Author and Relationship Expert Laura Doyle

On Valentine’s Day, a day known as a celebration of romance, many women find themselves in relationships that are not romantic at all and others are lonely and wonder why they cannot find love? If your relationship or romantic life is anything less than you imagined––or it’s nonexistent––consider brushing up on your relationship skills. This Valentine’s Day, New York Times bestselling author and relationship expert Laura Doyle, pioneer of the “Romance Revolution,” is providing tips for women to create lifelong romance, success. Women can start by assessing their habits with free quizzes at www.lauradoyle.org: Rate Your Dating Skills for single women or Rate Your Intimacy Skills for wives and unmarried women in long-term monogamous relationships. This will give women an idea about which of their relationship skills needs work.

One of the habits that women with lifelong romance cultivate is leaving their professional persona behind when the working day or parenting day is done in favor of honoring their feminine nature—the part that longs to feel desired, cherished and protected. Wise women realize that the goals at work or in motherhood are very different from their goals in romance. At work, women want to improve the bottom line or get a promotion, to manage their business, staff and projects. As mothers, women strive to nurture, teach and guide their children. In romance women want someone to desire them and tell them they are beautiful, to make them laugh and feel cherished. Those goals require different skill sets.

Consider making this Valentine’s Day the kickoff for learning the skills needed to become a beloved wife or girlfriend instead of just a co-parent, roommate or hopeful single. Start by practicing one of the universal qualities among women who have magical romances: Become a great receiver.

A woman who receives graciously wouldn’t dismiss or reject a compliment by saying that her hair is dirty after her husband or boyfriend said how pretty it looks. She accepts gifts graciously by saying, “Thank you,” not “You didn’t have to.” If someone offers to help a good receiver move a chair, toss the salad or open the door, she accepts the help gratefully.

This Valentine’s Day, every woman should learn how much power she has to create an absolutely wonderful romance,” said Laura Doyle. “Too many women think that it only happens in movies and fairy tales. Every woman can join the Romance Revolution and make her own romance magic.

Not everyone has gotten the word yet that they can put an end to chronic heartbreak and loneliness by learning a few skills, but this summer hundreds will make that breakthrough at the Lifelong Romance Retreat for women in South Florida from June 22nd – 24th. The retreat is co-presented by Gladys Diaz with Heart’s Desire International (www.heartsdesireintl.com). For more information about the Lifelong Romance Retreat, please visit www.lauradoyle.org .

About Laura Doyle – Over a decade ago, the press said that New York Times best-selling author and relationship expert Laura Doyle was starting “a movement–the genuine kind, the kind with social implications, the kind that change us forever.” Today the social revolution Laura started has spread in over 15 languages and 26 countries as women of all ages have discovered her extraordinary tools for creating intimate, passionate, peaceful relationships.

Laura has appeared on The CBS Evening News, Dateline NBC, The Today Show, Fox, BET, The Early Show and The View, and in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The London Telegraph, People Magazine, Time Magazine and Newsweek. Her methods of transforming unhappy marriages into passionate unions and helping single women attract the love that had previously eluded them are legendary.

Laura lives near Los Angeles, with her hilarious husband, John Doyle, who has been dressing himself since before she was born. Currently, she is writing her fourth book, developing media projects in the U.S. and Europe, and expanding her training organization for women who teach her methods worldwide.