Stay Healthy While Traveling
By Wendy VanHatten
Planning a vacation and want to stay in shape, remain healthy and still enjoy yourself? Check out these simple tips as you get ready for wherever your next vacation takes you….to the park, around the world, hiking in the Sierra, by plane, in the car, trekking in the desert, surfing in San Diego, hanging out in a resort, or taking a boat ride on the Rhone.
Assemble your own first aid kit, especially if hiking or active sports are a part of your trip. If flying, you will need to keep this in your checked luggage. Some suggestions include:
Adhesive bandages in 3 sizes
2 inch adhesive tape
Alcohol preps
Safety pins
Triangular bandages
“Super glue” for closing cuts
Insect repellent
Small knife blade
Aspirin or acetaminophen
Anti-diarrhea meds
To minimize blisters, rub feet and toes with a silicone hair gel. Then layer thin liner socks and thicker outer socks.
Drinking water is a must. But, know where your drinking water comes from. Bottled water is safest. And remember to avoid foods washed in water that might be unsafe. Likewise, don’t brush your teeth in water that might be unsafe for drinking. Reputable resorts will tell you how they filter their water.
If you take a long flight, get up during the flight to keep circulation in your legs. When you are not able to get up often, keep circulation going by making circles with each ankle. Turn them one way and then turn the other way. This is also important on long car trips. Stop often to get your circulation moving and do the same ankle circles while riding.
Pack a resistance band to do stretches and leg lifts in your hotel or resort. Ask the hotel concierge where the safest walking path is, if your hotel does not have a fitness room or pool. In San Francisco, take a walk up and down some hills. In San Diego, go for a run on the beach. Take your jump rope and get your heart pumping and ready for the day.
Air in planes is drying to your skin. Ask for water or take your own bottle…refilled of course once you get through security. Try to avoid make up, using moisturizer instead. Pack a small “refresher kit” in your carry-on. Some items that come in handy include:
Multi-purpose lotion for face and hands
Lip balm
Small toothbrush and toothpaste
Eye mask
Baby wipes
Small washcloth
If the dry airplane air makes it difficult to breathe, ask the flight attendant for a steaming cup of water. Place it close to your nose and inhale the steam. When it cools off a little, use the warm water and your washcloth to refresh your face.
If exercise is part of your routine at home, keep it part of your routine when on vacation. You can still walk, move to some dance tunes on the radio before you get going for the day, find time to work in some extra activities or get your sit-ups done before you turn in for the night.
Staying fit while having a great vacation is easy if you plan ahead. Whatever your fitness routine is and wherever your destination is…have fun and stay fit.