"So You Don't Have a Man"So you don’t have a man, no worries, because this too shall pass. Remember that for the most part men are fairly uncomplicated and relatively easy to please. So your job is not really that hard, a piece of cake actually. All you have to do is give him reasons to notice you and then, (if you’re feeling him too) want you. With that said let’s check out some of those things that do get a man’s attention.

– Exude confidence. Be cool, calm and in control.

– Look cute on the regular, even when you’re just going to the grocery store or hair salon.

(Men are visual and you never know when or where you may run into “the one”).

– Always look pleasant and approachable, but not desperate.

– Keep in mind that men love a challenge.

– Do something new/different, for example, volunteer at a hospital or soup kitchen.

Participate in some type of public, fund-raising event or take a bus tour of the city. Move out of your comfort zone. And whatever you choose to do, do it alone because you want him to notice you and only you.

– A blind date could be interesting, so don’t dismiss the possibility, particularly if the hook-up is arranged by a close friend or family member/someone who knows you well.

– Know that you have something to bring to the table and bring it. These would be things that will help a relationship to flourish, such as: good values, good credit, a good job, good housekeeping, cooking and/or child-rearing skills, just to name a few.

– And last, but definitely not least, attend church, (if you don’t presently) not to be seen, but because it is good for the soul.

In the meantime enjoy your life. And when “the one” does show up don’t be too eager, allow him to court, woo and chase after you. And before you know it you too may be in search of something that is blue.


Jackie Rouse