Interview with Rebbekah White radio show host of Heal Yourself Talk Radio and CEO of Heal Yourself Network

Tell us about your business.
The Heal Yourself Network encompasses a radio show heard in the Massachusetts area as well as on Blog Talk Radio and around the world via internet and opening an online magazine. Our services include interviews all about you, your product or your service. We also offer affordable on air and on site advertising which includes multi media exposure all across the world.  We offer product reviews, both text and video versions on our online magazine found at and Heal Yourself Network will be opening up our first online store soon to featuring eBooks, books, CD’s, health and wellness products. It is our goal to link everyone to resources for a profound worldwide impact on inner peace and healing.

Please tell us what being a business owner means to you and why you became an entrepreneur in the first place?
I started Heal Yourself Talk Radio in 2006 as a way to share the resources that I had found during my own inner journey for self healing. During that time it grew to more than a talk radio show it now encompasses a whole network of healing resources including radio interviews, articles written by over 100 contributing authors on Heal Yourself Magazine to coming soon a whole network of healers and speakers to list their own resources and radio shows.  I became an entrepreneur in the beginning due to health issues inside my own family and my desire to be able to be home and have a more flexible schedule to be able to help my 2 autistic children and be around when my husband had issues with his diabetes. During this time I was looking for resources and help for my family and realized that there really wasn’t much out  there in one area for everything I was searching for. So I started Heal Yourself Talk Radio as a way to have a place where everyone could come and view all areas of healing of their mind, body and spirit.  It has now grown into a large network of resources with more areas opening up in the upcoming months.

What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?
My greatest influence in business is my Buschia (Polish for grandmother) no matter what life threw at her she always pulled herself up by her boot strings. It didn’t matter what life gave to her she always had a sense of pride, accomplishment and knew she could handle anything.  She taught me to always look on the positive side of life and to always keep learning and passing on what I learned to others.

What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?
Wow, what a question.  There are really two that are my favorite professional accomplishements. The first professional accomplishment would be how many people we reach over the course of time. Last year we had over 1 million visitors to Heal Yourself Talk Radio and in March of 2009 in one week’s time we had over 67,000 visitors to the site that it crashed our server. To be able to have the information presented by Heal Yourself Talk Radio and our hundreds of experienced speakers to millions and know that we are helping to make a difference in the world each and every day.  The second would be taking a podcast that was heard on Blog Talk Radio two to three times a week and now having it heard live each Friday in the Massachusetts area on three AM radio stations.

What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?
You know I get asked this question often, what can I pass on to others? The best advice I can give you is to go after your dreams. When I started Heal Yourself Talk Radio I was scared! I didn’t know how to do an interview, I didn’t know how to record a podcast or look for speakers.  I honestly thought “What in the world do I have to share with others, and I really am afraid to use my own voice…” you know what after three years of doing Heal Yourself Talk Radio I am thankful each and every day that I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried something new.  It was bumpy in the beginning and yes it took a lot of work, but out of everything I do each and every day I look forward to each interview I do because it is my life’s passion to help people find the resources they are looking for to help them with their own inner peace and healing.  Doing the radio show has presented times for myself to grow, for my own lessons to be learned and I am grateful each and every day that I listened to my business coach 3 yrs ago and started Heal Yourself Talk Radio even though at the time I thought “No Way…” I did it and I can say with all pride and happiness I never regret taking a chance and seeing if I could in fact do a talk radio show.

What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?
To never stop learning. There are always things you can learn to improve yourself, your life, your family and your business. By continuing learning and searching for answers and ways to better yourself and your business. Learning is just one step but one step that many people are afraid to do. Even when something is new to you, what better way than to look back and say “Wow, I did that! I sweated and I worked hard and now I know one more thing that is helping me grow both as a person and in business”

Are there any resources or tools you’d like to share with other small business owners that have helped you succeed?
There are so many tools and resources out there that it would take up an entire page to share all that I have learned and have helped me along the way. But for those who are looking into doing podcasting I highly recommend “Promoting Your Podcast” by Jason Van Orden. I also recommend using Audio Acrobat for saving and recording podcasts . The best platform that I use for my podcasts is Blog Talk Radio you can find their free service at there are many more services and directories that I used in the past and present to promote my radio show. 

What is Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year?
The number one business goal for Heal Yourself Talk Radio is to go into syndication in the next year and to reach our goal of having over 5 million listeners for the show.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
No matter how hard life seems or how “far away” your dreams may seem to you, never stop reaching for your dreams! Everyone is entitled to happiness all you have to do is realize that you do deserve happiness and freedom. Never stop learning and never stop reaching for your dreams!

How can our readers find you online?

Heal Yourself Talk Radio
Heal Yourself Magazine
Autism Are We There Yet?
Heal Yourself Network
Health Podcasting Directory