slay-the-dragon-lgThis month I had the pleasure of reading a book by a very dear friend, colleague and former mentor.

The Book is called Slay the Dragon – How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Get What You Want by Lisa Jimenez, M.Ed. 

About the book (in the author’s words):

“Enough! I am so over this!” I yelled out in the silence of the morning. It had  been nearly five years since I went through the financial pain of losing my homes to foreclosure and short sales. It had been almost a decade since the dissolution of my eighteen-year marriage. And yet, I was still living the pain of those experiences every day. I had taken on an identity of failure, and it was affecting everything I did—or didn’t do. In other words, self-sabotage was running my life!

What about you?

Have you set your goals, and yet…something is getting in your way? Do you know what you want, and yet…something or someone seems to be holding you back? You can see this happening, but you haven’t quite pinpointed the culprit.

Let’s get right to it. The culprit that holds you back is You.

You have been sabotaging your own success, though you may not realize it. Self-sabotage is a game of the subconscious. It occurs in hidden parts of your mind and most of the time you are not even aware you are sabotaging yourself. Who would ever deliberately undermine, injure, or attack their own dreams? Why would anyone ever hurt themselves?

The answer is no one would ever undermine their own desires consciously.

But everyone, to some extent, does it subconsciously…until they become aware of their sabotage patterns and slay them!

Self-sabotage happens when you have a core belief that interferes or is not in harmony with your goals and dreams. This is what self-sabotage looked like for me:

After the foreclosures, I continued to run my businesses, except I was so risk-adverse, the projects I took on were way below my usual standard. After the divorce, I continued to enjoy my personal life, but I was riddled with fear of loss. I questioned—deeply questioned—my desire for the material and even considered becoming a minimalist (that’s actually funny, given how much I love to live well), and I renounced the material and the desires of my heart. I decided those things brought too much pain and it was better to not want them. (Unless you are truly called to be a minimalist, this is where all of you underachievers cheer for my enlightenment and together we celebrate how spiritual we are!)”

Through the disciplines of psychology, neurology, and theology, you’ll learn how to:

• Re-create your Self-View and discover new levels of confidence and

• Transform your circumstances into the driving force that fuels you;

• Break through fear of failure and success to become a blessing to others;

• Create clarity to stop procrastination and make you unstoppable;

• Release control and tap into unrealized and unlimited potential; and

• Manage your emotions and learn how to discipline your thoughts.

Experiencing the life you really want is that simple. But make no mistake; it isn’t easy. You’ll work harder on yourself than you ever have. You’ve got to be willing to do the inner work to BECOME what you want before you can

Through this process, you will become a Dragon Slayer. You’ll learn how to slay self-sabotage, get out of your own way, and tap into your inner MoJo!

Success is your birthright. Progress is your natural way of being. Expansion is how you were designed. If life has beaten you down and you, like me, have some inner demons, this book will help you slay the Dragons of

Sabotage and get on with creating your best life. When you can identify and slay the 5 Dragons of Self-Sabotage, you release an inner power that will excite and delight you. There is harmony within. You feel a divine guidance over your life. You have a profound sense of clarity and just know what to do to achieve your goals.

Here is what I wrote about Slay the Dragon:

” To anyone who has ever had self-doubt, doubt no more. Lisa Jimenez newest book Slay the Dragon is inspiring. Not only did the author slay her own dragons, she is helping others do the same. She walks the talk of having “been there, done that” and has the skeletal remains of her own dragons to prove it. In Slay the Dragon you will learn to finally take control of your own life,  learn to live, not just exist, to feel joy in a way that may have eluded you in the past, and create more abundance than you can imagine. Take heart, take control and take out your saber.  Your Dragons are about to disappear!”

Be sure and grab your copy of Slay the Dragon. Its available on Lisa’s Website

Heidi Richards Mooney, CEO – Redhead Marketing, Inc., Publisher – WE Magazine for Women