Popular art museum tour provider launches Zoom tours and new YouTube series

 Shady Ladies Tours, popular purveyor of art museum walking tours, is now offering its tours online via video conferencing platform Zoom.  The video tours, guided by Professor Andrew Lear, make it possible for art-lovers to learn about some of their favorite art museum treasures from the comfort of their own homes.

Shady Ladies Tours has also partnered with independent film and television producer Caytha Jentis to launch Sexy Secrets of Great Art. a YouTube series of short videos in which Professor Lear discusses stunning works of erotic art from museums across the Northeast United States. The series is available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2hjnWFJL3zCsSKfLOjKbpQ/videos?disable_polymer=1.

“When the pandemic hit and museums closed, we had to halt our in-person walking tours, but we knew we had to come up with alternatives for our audiences while they were on lockdown,” said Professor Lear. “We pivoted to the Internet and began hosting our catalog of art museum tours on Zoom and they’ve been a great success. Participants are able to ask questions about each piece of art, interact with each other and learn about the saucy secrets of their favorite museums, just like they would in real life.”  

Shady Ladies Tours will present its next Zoom Tour of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston on Saturday, July 11 at 4:00PM. The online video tour explores the women of the Museum of Fine Arts, from Cleopatra to Frida Kahlo.  Guided by Professor Lear, participants view works of art depicting the dangerous women of Greek mythology, prostitution in ancient Athens and women’s fashions, from Imperial Roman hairdos to Renaissance hoop skirts to the bustle of one of Renoir’s mistresses.  The tour is a rare chance for art lovers nationwide to learn about the women’s side of the famed Boston art museum.

Tickets are $10 and available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shady-ladies-tour-of-the-mfa-boston-tickets-111861286118 . A Zoom link is provided at purchase.

Shady Ladies Tours’ art museum tours introduce art lovers to some of the sexiest and sauciest works of art in New York City and beyond.  Led personally by Professor Andrew Lear, a leading scholar on the history of sexuality and one of the foremost experts on erotic Greek and Roman art, the tours reveal the scandalous back-stories behind paintings and sculptures in major American museums. With his groundbreaking work on the history of art and his long experience as a scholar and teacher, Professor Lear is an ideal guide to give tour-goers an entirely new (and naughty) perspective on both classic and little-known pieces of art.

For more information, please visit www.shadyladiestours.com  .