"Justice Series Worth Reading  - riveting, true story of a mother’s fight to preserve her family"Jackie Carpenter always considered herself an ordinary person – a mom, wife, businessperson. She never dreamed her life would become an award-winning feature film, A Cry for Justice (Triple Horse Studios). But when her life took a dramatic turn, she began to discover just how much adversity she could withstand. It all began with the insistent shrilling tone of a late-night phone call. Her son had been arrested and faced charges of murder. A capital crime in Georgia, it can carry the ultimate penalty: death by lethal injection.

He had been plagued by thefts on a home construction site. The security service he hired could not start immediately; on the advice of a police officer, her son set out with a gun to watch for the culprits one night. The would-be thieves showed up, and the gun fired unexpectedly. One of the thieves was fatally shot, and Jackie Carpenter’s son was arrested and jailed.

It seemed such an obvious miscarriage of justice: her son was only protecting his property, the gun discharged by accident. The defense relied on a now-controversial law, often known as the ‘stand your ground law.’ They maintained that their client had every right to defend his property. The prosecutor argued with equal passion that he was a cold-blooded murderer.

The movie and the books it is based on are a white-knuckled, fast-paced chronicle of a woman’s struggle to keep her family whole. A Cry for Justice is based on Jackie Carpenter’s two books: The Bridge: Between Cell Block A and a Miracle is Psalm 91 and Georgia Justice: A Journey to Faith.

Watch the movie trailer at: http://acryforjusticemovie.com .

The movie has won several awards, including one for best screenplay. Just last month, Jackie Carpenter was nominated to the category of “People to Watch 2013” at the first-ever Annual Georgia Entertainment Gala.

Jackie Carpenter has been a featured guest on television, radio, and in newspaper articles. For more information on this author and her remarkable story of faith, hope and love, visit her website at: www.bridgetoamiracle.com

WE Magazine for Women recommends these books and any future books by Jackie Carpenter. They will have you question our judicial system and strengthen your faith as they tell a family story no one should have to endure.