Success & Satisfaction Self-Assessment by Libby Gil
This is a self-assessment tool that I developed and have since used with thousands of people to help them determine success and satisfaction levels in ten key areas of work and life. By assigning scores to specific areas, you can begin to see where you’re least satisfied in your life and may want to focus first.
Take a look at the list below. Each item is labeled to represent a major area of your personal or professional life. Think about each section and, as objectively and honestly as you can, rate your satisfaction level in each area of your life on a 1-10 scale, 1 being least satisfied, 10 being most satisfied. If a category isn’t especially meaningful to you, factor that into your score. For example, if you’re single and happy about it, there’s no need to give yourself a low rating on Significant Other. You’re not scoring yourself on whether or not you have a significant other, just if you’re satisfied with what you do have.
Next, write your rating for each category between 1 and 10 in all areas, and make a quick notation in just a few words. For example: Significant Other – no time to date = 2 … or: Relationships with Friends – I have a great group of friends = 9.
Success & Satisfaction Self-Assessment List
Health and Self-Care
Relationships with Family
Relationships with Friends
Significant Other
Purpose or Spirituality
Personal Growth
Recreation and Fun
Home, Office, Living Space
If you’re like most people, you probably have some areas of your life that are working quite well and other areas that need some attention, maybe even urgently. If you feel that the low ratings you gave yourself are indications of deeper problems than the need to get unstuck, you may want to consider some professional help. Ask yourself if you, or others, have noticed a change in your behavior. Have friends, family members or colleagues suggested that you see a doctor or therapist? If so, you may want to schedule some time to visit an internist, general practitioner, pastoral counselor or psychotherapist. Request that a trusted family member or friend make the appointment and possibly even accompany you for emotional support.
Assigning self-determined ratings can be very eye-opening. After you’ve given yourself a 2 out of a possible 10 on Health, it’s pretty hard to pretend that everything is O.K. with your self-care. Conversely, even though you may grouse about your over-involved parents and sibling, when you give Family a 9, it’s obvious that this part of your life is very satisfying for you.
ACTION STEP: The most important thing is what comes next and what you DO with this information, but for now, let’s just start with the chart and take some time to think about it. I’d love to feature one or two of you and how you feel about your scores in my next blog. Reach out to me through Facebook at
To YOUR amazing life,
Libby Gill, Branding Expert, Bestselling Author, and Executive Coach ~ Bestselling Author of: You Unstuck
PS: Join my Accountability Club with my $1 / 1 month trial and become part of the growing number of those who are READY and 100% ACCOUNTABLE for changes ***(and accomplishments)*** in all areas of their lives. Libby