Reading Faces to Understand People by Naomi Tickle 

The History
Personology, the study of the relationship between the facial structure and behavior, was first researched in the 1920s by Edward Jones, a judge. Based on the feedback from thousands of subjects, he came up with sixty-eight traits that indicated 92 percent accuracy for personality and career profiles. Later Jones was joined by Robert Whiteside who recognized the value of these methods when applied to real human situations. The accuracy rate was amazing, and this method of face reading would later become a vital tool for career selection, counseling, coaching, team building, marriage, relationships, family problems, etc.
 Today Tickle is conducting some blind studies with career counselors to compare her computerized career program with the more traditional tests. They are finding an exact match for both careers and personality. The major difference is that she is working from photographs.  

Finding Your True Purpose in Life
We are born with an “inner blueprint” however, we tend to get off track and end up being lost. We receive advice from well meaning friends, family members and teachers, which can often confuse things even more. We take numerous tests and still are lost. The system that is used for determining our blue print, Personology, will validate much of what you know about yourself and helps you to get back on track with your life. Simply put, it connects the dots and gives us a clearer direction to take our career. Many of these traits can be seen at the day of birth. How does face reading work? Following are examples of just a few of the traits. 

To read the rest of Reading Faces, check out the Winter 2008 Issue of WE Magazine for Women