Need help staying optimistic and calm – even during times of financial strife and relationship turmoil common during the holidays? Consider these 5 “Positivity Practices” to help get you through the season with a smile:
1. Reflect on Positive Past Events
Cultivating and maintaining a peaceful, calm and optimistic life must be a goal of paramount importance. Distractions and life’s distresses both small and large, most definitely including those work, financial and relationship-related, will pull you away from this goal each and every time you allow it. Your thoughts are the training ground and spring board for your overall disposition and perspective on life. Many accomplished people never pause to revel in or acknowledge their past successes. They are constantly striving for what’s next. While not entirely a bad thing, when your desire to achieve and earn becomes bigger than your desire to BE, your existence will be likened to a hamster running in an endless circle, never at peace and never at a point of rest.
2. Have a Giving Heart and Spirit
Most know that giving back to society and those in need is one of the most meaningful activities we can engage in – making us feel happy and optimistic about life. In fact, many very successful people also believe that giving is directly tied to their luck and success up ahead. Having a giving heart and spirit not only creates more opportunities for you to provide for others, but doing so allows more opportunities for your continued success to manifest in your life, and others: what impacts one impacts us all. Achievement, earnings and accomplishments come from the work of our hands and minds, but true success and fulfillment comes from giving of the heart. Not just donating your time through charitable work or financial donations, but also allocating precious time to family and friends. Being present and accessible to loved ones is the ultimate gift for others…and yourself.
3. Happy is a Choice; Contentment and Joy are Lifestyles
One of the definitions of the word overwhelmed is “to give too much of a thing.” When you truly desire to live a life that is fulfilled in all areas, you are destined to have more to do than you have the time, energy, and ability or help to accomplish or complete. The feeling of being overwhelmed is when you have what you need and are overflowing with what you want. When you have so much success, opportunity, potential, clients, projects, options, prosperity that you can’t “handle” or manage everything, your reaction is that you are overwhelmed. So what about those times when you’re overwhelmed with challenges, struggles, health issues, and other life concerns? Know the plan for your life is perfect and the struggles are never to defeat you but to make you stronger and uncover your true power. Surrender and find peace living in the overflow, joy and abundance of being overwhelmed.
4. Tap Your Inner Courage
Stepping out of your fears and into your greatness requires great courage. Sometimes we are so busy with the work of life that we don’t sit still and take the time to listen to our heart. Being courageous means not allowing life to steal, kill, or destroy your dreams, hopes, aspirations, and plans but living in the now, the moment, the presence of your power to receive life, and the fullness of all life has to offer and even more abundantly. It takes courage to be honest with yourself, acknowledge your personal truth, and be present in your quest to live that truth. Living in the fullness and joy of who you are – and want to be – takes true grit.
5. Live Exponentially
Exponential Living is achieved through excellence in your Personal, Spiritual, and Emotional health, and balance in all aspects of your life – with yourself and others. It is achieved by building and maintaining spirituality; loving and caring for yourself (hobbies, exercise, “me” time); spending quality time with and appreciating yourself and your family; recognizing your success; and living in your own truth. When living exponentially you are comfortable with who you are, separate from what you do. It’s when you live in a state of true contentment, being present with yourself and others while also pursuing and maintaining excellence in all aspects of your life.
Sheri Riley’s Exponential Living program is a ground-breaking initiative that helps individuals create balance among life’s key areas in ways that promote a higher standard of excellence. Learn more online at .
This article is excerpted from the Holiday Gift Guide for 2011 . Be sure and check it out and read other articles about the holidays. It’s also great to add to your online shopping experience! While you are at it check out Design is Everywhere and Home Buyer Academy Ads today!