Time once again to get out your blogrolls… because the Bloggies are taking names! The Bloggie Award   is an annual weblog award that was created in 2001 to honor the best blogs. All the Bloggie Winners are chosen by the public. Time to cast your vote! 

How it works: “From now until 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) on Friday, January 11, 2008, anyone can nominate their favorite weblogs. The contest is open to any weblogs that existed for a period of time during the year 2007, so weblogs that were discontinued during 2007 are also eligible.” Categories Include:

Best African Weblog *NEW!
Best Art or Craft Weblog
Best Fashion Weblog
Best Gossip Weblog
Best web application for Weblog
Best Asian Weblog
Best Australian or New Zealand Weblog
Best European Weblog
Bes Latin American Weblog
Best Canadian Weblog
Best American Weblog
Best Photography of a Weblog
Best Food Weblog
Best Fashion Weblog
Best Weblog about Music
Best Gossip Weblog
Best GLBT Weblog
Best Entertainment Weblog
Best Sports Weblog
Best Computer or Internet Weblog
Best Topical Weblog
Best Teen Weblog
Most Humorous Weblog
Best Writing Weblog
Best Community Weblog
Best Group Weblog
Best-designed Weblog
Best-kept Secret Weblog
Best New Weblog
Lifetime Achievement
Weblog of the Year

This is the annual non-profit competition that determines which blogs are the best of the best. Results are announced on January 22, 2008 

Be sure and go over to the 2008 Bloggies site and nominate your favorite blogs before January 11th!

Blog on!
