Today my computer crashed. Well crashed is not exactly correct. It got infected with malware. UGH!
And as I sit here trying to retrace my steps, what I did to download the malicious program, it occured to me that my bigger problem isn’t about the computer or viruses or even accessibility. Its about FOCUS!
That’s right. FOCUS! While doing my best to do more than one thing at a time, to get a lot done before the weekend, I lost FOCUS. BTW, in my humble opinion, it is really not possible to multi-task. At least not for me… In fact, I doubt anyone can do it. So here I was going over everything that happened prior to the malware infection and I thought, “no wonder!” After all I had 8 windows open, was downloading a video from a client to upload to YouTube, working on a blog post for another client, sending email invitations for a teleclass WE are hosting on Monday and listening to a mastermind call. GEEZ! No wonder…
What does this have to do with my 120 day Wealth Action Plan? Plenty. You see, things happen in our business, in our lives that can stop us dead in our tracks. They can paralyze us if we let them. NOT!
So I can’t finish some of the projects … today. That’s okay.
I called my good friend Chris DeRose of DeRose Technologies and his team is going to fix my computer. Come Tuesday everything will be good as new. And while he is doing that… there’s always my laptop!
By the way if you get the warning from Windows Xp that says something like this Critical Hard Disk Drive Error – do not click on it. Run your malware/antivirus software to see if you are infected. What to do if you find windows xp malware on your computer? You can call your favorite computer repair genius or you can check out this post to see if you can do it yourself: I hope you don’t get it!
What about Day 12? Well, tomorrow I’m going to share my Money Rules with you. Stay Tuned!