For many people, money is almost a kind of bogey man with a will and power of its own. Or perhaps a mysterious force that helps some people and ignores others. These beliefs are rooted in fear, and not knowing how to master money and use it to achieve your goals.
Reset your attitude to money by thinking of it as merely a neutral tool. In our society money is essential for shelter, food, education, and healthcare.
The danger comes when you turn money into a fetish, accumulating it for its own sake. Or when you think you can spend your way to happiness. Using money wisely can be a great enabler. Think of the great philanthropists and patrons in history who have supported artists like Leonardo da Vinci or invested in scientific research.’
There Are Only Four Ways to Increase Your Wealth
- Earn more money
- Spend less money
- Pay off debt
- Invest
Every imaginable way you can think of to create more wealth can be boiled down into one or more of these four areas.
Life is not about making money, even though it sometimes or often appears that money is the goal. Money is a tool that is needed to establish and maintain a standard of living. How high you want that standard to be will determine how much wealth you need to seek.
When it comes right down to it, your quality of life is the goal. That means you can decide the goal, how to get their albeit by increasing your income, cutting expenses, paying off your debt and investing. Most wealthy people do all four.
Money is simply a tool you use to get what you want out of life.
Money gives you choices – make sure you choose wisely.