Meet Mona Parsa Attorney/Host/Author – Legal Green Room a 2015 Woman on the Move
Tell us about how you chose your career/business and what your responsibilities include?: My work as an attorney primarily involves entertainment and immigration-entertainment matters. I choose to work in these areas, specifically, as the arts are a powerful tool in raising humanity’s awareness of its oneness, so helping individuals in advancing their talents and opportunities in the arts benefits not only their personal and professional well-being, but humanity as a whole.
Tell us about the company you work for or own?: I am a solo attorney who divides my time between clients as well as my blog/webshow, the Legal Green Room. Through the Legal Green Room, I conduct interviews and cover stories relating to law and entertainment for the main purpose of presenting the law – often an intricate subject – in a non-complex matter so that viewers/readers are empowered with knowledge to apply and use in their own lives.
What are some of the most fulfilling projects you have been involved with so far? Children are our most precious natural resource, and with the power of the arts, I was moved to develop a children’s book app called “And So You Were Born”. The interactive app is a first-of-its-kind, with video recording and personalized text, encouraging children to take all the love they were born with and to spread it to all who comes across their paths. My purpose with the book is to encourage children to reach their highest potential.With a push from parents, the book was later published as a print version, recently receiving a 2014 Moonbeam Children’s Book Award. It’s been the most fulfilling project seeing downloads and chart-topping success in countries worldwide, as this shows the message resonating with the hearts of children and their parents of all backgrounds.
What are some of your favorite ways to network?: I’ve found LinkedIn to be a great professional networking tool. It’s a great place to learn about what others are involved with and together explore ways to collaborate.
Do you have a mentor – if so how did you choose one another? If not, is this something you think would benefit your career and is there anyone you would like to have as a mentor?: I don’t have a mentor per se, but I enjoy speaking with those who are actively in pursuit of what they feel is their calling. It’s encouraging to watch the build-it-and-they-will-come principle as it progresses alongside market feedback.
What do you do for fun/relaxation?: Bake! A girl with a serious sweet tooth can think of doing nothing else when she finds a free moment 🙂
Any parting advice for someone who would like to follow in your footsteps?: Follow your passion. That way, all of the hours and sleepless nights won’t feel like a minute of work.
What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you?
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