Meet Dr. Tracy Kemble, Founder & CEO of Women in Need Non-Profit – WE Magazine for Women February Woman on a Mission
Tell us a little bit about what your career and why you chose this path in the first place?
My career dedicated to rebuilding women from the inside out and it was never an intentional career choice. I always thought I wanted to be a journalist. But when you find yourself living in the shame and secrets of abuse and that abuse debilitates you at core levels, it changes you.
My journey into the world of abuse (and my stumbling blocks out) made me realize first-hand that there are a lot of gaps in the healing system. For example, if a woman is having to run for her life like an animal, we are too late. I personally know that it does not have to reach these points of trauma and drama. I jumped into the nonprofit arena because I have a contribution to make in the insane world of abuse – a contribution that a person in trauma can use to find her path to peace.
What do you think are some of the qualities a woman needs to be successful in pursuit of their mission?
I think the most important thing is passion. You have to have a driving force from within as to “why” you want to create change. In the world of public servant hood, not everyone appreciates your journey. That ranges from the “people” who believe non-profit work means working for free, to those we try to help, who, regardless of our efforts don’t really want change. It can, at times, be a thankless job, a lonely job, an up-hill battle type of job. But that is why passion is so important. Not needing the praise from others on something you know at the core of your being requires your presence, is what keeps you going. You do it because something inside of you knows that you can sleep better at night because you took the courage to authentically jump in the game and care.
To be good at your job, you must know your job well and the skills that go along with it.
What are some of the drawbacks to working in the non-profit world?
People tend to think that in non-profit work that everyone needs to work for free. But non-profit work is still “work”. If you are not smart and run it like a for-profit business, it will fail. And if it fails, you will not be able to help those in need.
What opportunities do you see for women who would like to pursue non-profits as a career choice?
Many. As long as people need help, non-profits will be around.
Who has been a role model to you and why?
There have been many. But my most influential role model was my husband (my 2nd and current one of 20 years) who, after I spent time healing, asked me one day, “What are you going to do with all this information about healing?” My response was, “Move forward and never look back.” He was not overly supportive of my response and challenged me to think about what I would do if (fast forward) I met a lady who cried the same tears of fear and hopelessness that I did when faced with abuse. You see, at that point I had learned so much about how to heal from the scars of abuse. I had the knowledge and roadmap to recovery. So, he inspired me to look beyond my own preservation and encouraged me to lead a path of recovery for others. That work is found in our program of recovery called “Right Living”. It is a 20 session course that rebuilds a person from the inside when traumatized by the pains of abuse.
What are some of the needs in nonprofits that you see are lacking leadership or need a “woman’s touch?”
Women have intuition. Any field that requires the need for a gut instinct needs a woman’s touch.
Answer either of these questions or both: What is the number one thing you would like to accomplish while you are in public service? Or: What is your Mission in public service?
In my line of service I work with abuse. Abuse, in any culture or any country, both hurts and causes trauma wounds. My goal, therefore, is to have my program of recovery implemented as a UN Women’s Program.
What has been your greatest moment or achievement in your work to date?
I should probably mention some of the amazing recognitions I have received internationally. But, while those are impressive, my greatest achievement is helping that one person regain her emotional reflection in the mirror and stopping, one person at a time, the cycle of abuse. You see, abuse is not a demon or disease. It is a learned behavior and with the proper healing we can stop the cycle.
If someone reading this article were interested in working with nonprofits what is the first thing you would advise her to do?
Again, I would say passion and having that drive to succeed and the desire to implement change.
What resources do you recommend to anyone interested in pursing working with nonprofits as a career choice.?
It all depends on your area of passion. No journey is the same. But I do recommend the book “Uncharitable”. It is a must read.
What is your favorite quote and why?
“Nothing has changed but my attitude. Now everything has changed.” (Anthony DeMilo). It is my favorite quote because our attitude is the angle with which we perceive things. This quote reminds me that “we live in choices” and at anytime I have the power to change the angle at how I look at things.
A good example of this is “love”. We are often times taught that “love” is unconditional. If we believe, however, that love is always unconditional, people will have the cart blanc card to do whatever they want to do to us; and be rewarded with our unconditional love as feedback. But if we change our angle and say, “Love is conditional. There are things that can be done to extinguish it”, this new angle opens a whole new level of options for what we accept and don’t accept. And abuse is all about learning to stop accepting the unacceptable.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Doing more of what I am doing at a much more expansive level.
What do you like to do in your leisure time?
I am a student at heart. I love to learn. So that said, a plane to somewhere and a book on my “next lesson” is my version of leisure. That, and I love to cook.
What’s next for you?
Taking our program online and making our healing service available to the masses. It won’t be one of those “But wait! There is more!” type sights. My goal (which is already happening) is to create an online community where people can drop in for a quick seminar of healing and empowerment or join a gentle, yet empowering, community of healing, online.
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