"Meet woman in business Veronica Drake"Veronica Drake is the Founder of Veronica Drake Coaching and a Motivated Woman in Business

Tell us about your business.

I am an International Women’s Business Coach, also known as, the Simplicity Coach, who uses step-by step solutions, sass and simplicity to create powerful results. I am also a uniquely gifted Intuitive. I specialize in working with spiritually inspired women entrepreneurs who desire to simplify and improve the quality of their businesses and make more money while being uniquely themselves. I use a unique combination of tools to guide my clients through a proven step by step process that empowers them to plan, produce, and profit every time!

I use my witty, warm and sassy sense of humor to help clients relax, release and get in touch with what really matters to them.

My emphasis is on strengthening the relationship women have with themselves so that they can create thriving businesses and personal lives. My style is intuitive, FUN and informal. I like to think of my results as impactful and life-changing!

Please tell us what being a business owner means to you and why you became an entrepreneur in the first place?

I wanted to experience the freedom! There are NO limits when you own your own business!

What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?

My mentor, Kendall Summerhawk. She has taught me so much about who I am as a woman and as a business woman

What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?

Living my dream of being a financially successful woman in business and empowering other women to live their dreams out loud too!

What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?

Invest in yourself on all levels. Mind, body, spirit! Find a great mentor and a great team. No one does it alone!

What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your business?

My business was founded by all the connections I made on Facebook. Because my business is virtual social media was instrumental in getting me started.

What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?

The most important lesson is to keep my life free of clutter; emotional, financial and physical. And, to welcome teachers and embrace the gifts everyone has to share.

Are there any resources or tools you’d like to share with other small business owners that have helped you run your business?

I really believe that we all need to be challenged to grow to the next level. Master Minds are a GREAT tool.

Do you have any new projects coming up?

I am extremely excited about my Money Breakthrough Sessions that teach women how to clear financial clutter and generate more income. Tried and true tools to increase your net worth and self worth!

What do you do for fun/relaxation?

I love nature. I spend a lot of time by the water. I love the ocean!

What is Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year?

To double the amount of women I support so that we can all step into our greatness! Lots of live speaking events. I love seeing the faces!

You want to write a book on OWNING YOUR UNIQUNESS!

What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you?
