Meet Michele Unangst, Founder and CEO of Get My Mom a Job
Tell us about your business: What product or service you provide and who your target audience is:
My business is Get My Mom a Job. My mission is to empower all women, of all backgrounds and demographics to have the career and job they want and need. The product is the largest online database of real telecommute/work from home jobs. Jobs that are W-2, hourly and/or salary, part-time and full-time. My company lists companies such as: Apple, American Express, Humana, 1-800-FLOWERS, Mozilla Firefox, and this is to name just a small few employers.
In addition to the employment database, we also provide critical job services. Resume writing, cover letter writing, job connection packages, and all the training a job seeker would need in getting the career or position they desire. Our services are rare in the sense as we do not use form or template resumes and cover letters. They are true and authentic to the person and their history of employment success. In these employment times, every detail, every word, design is critical to employment success.
My target audience, although the site is “Mom” is all women. Catering to, educating, and providing real and tangible opportunity to all women. From 18 to 88, my database of jobs and employment opportunity is open. Whether a women is a 20 year professional or hasn’t worked in 20 years, our database and services caters to each and every specific need. The idea is to speak directly to my audience, which is women. As a female entrepreneur and former W-2 worker I understand the perils of juggling family and career, so my company speaks directly to them.
Please tell us what being a business owner means to you and why you became an entrepreneur in the first place?
Being an entrepreneur means that I directly and daily live my passion. First bore out necessity, then developed into a passion for all women in being, doing, and having all that they want. A business owner is a sense of responsibility to the marketplace. I take the responsibility to pay it forward and empower women of all walks of life.
I noticed an opportunity to provide a solution to a problem. Like many women, I wanted to continue in a career capacity after becoming a mom. However I realized I needed flexibility, autonomy, and find the perfect position. I want to have a say in my life and time, while still contributing and growing as a professional. That is when I began the daunting task of trying to find real work from home jobs. Not an easy task.
Work from home is a keyword that is dominated by a totally different and incredibly frustrating industry at times. Work from home is promoted more by business or online income opportunities, than true jobs. While there is no question that is a wonderful alternative for some, my mission was one of employment and the ability to do the job from my home office. Many months, hours, searching, researching, buying, and nothing. It seemed that no matter what I tried I could never find these work from home jobs. Then it dawned on me how to find them as most of these telecommute positions are not advertised or made easy to find. What I found more amazing is 1000’s upon 1000’s of these jobs are available. No one simply could connect the two worlds together, until now. I became an entrepreneur because the struggles, massive struggles I had, and I felt I could provide a real and tangible solution to the millions that wanted the same thing I desired at the time.
What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?
Simple, it has been and will always be family. For my husband and children to build something special and unique not only for others, but for ourselves as well. To build a legacy, a company, and opportunity for family. I am incredibly empowered by my family. They are the reason why I wake up each day and work so hard. They are the reason I keep going when maybe there is every reason in the world to stop and give up. Knowing I have the power to shape their/our future and the future of all those I help is my greatest influence in business.
What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?
There are many amazing moments thus far. From having a write-up about my company in the USA Today and Arizona Republic. Being on multiple radio shows across the country. Seeing women succeed with my product and service. However the truth is bringing the idea to reality.
My fear of taking the idea and bringing it to life then having it accepted by others is the most daunting and intimidating feeling. You are putting yourself and all you believe out there for the world to judge. You have to take daily, consistent, action. If rejected it could in fact change your entire mindset. I think putting yourself out there from concept to product is the most daunting, but the proudest moment to date.
What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?
Be Passionate Take Action. Four of the most powerful words in being an entrepreneur. The whole world at times will be against you, telling you stop, give up, but there is a little whisper inside of you telling you to Be Passionate Take Action. It is those four words, in the very difficult times of business, that has kept me motivated to move forward regardless of circumstance and other advice. Don’t forget why you are doing what you are doing. However, passion is just a hope without action. To make your dreams regardless of what they are, you need to take action to make them come true.
What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your business?
By far and away the power of Joint Ventures. When the launch of the company was happening I had a limited budget in which to market and advertise. When I say limited, that is to say, almost zero start-up capital. I knew where I wanted to be and how to get there. I knew I needed to reach out to others to assist in this process. Finding marketers, companies, website owners, newspapers, radio shows, were all joint venture opportunities. I reached out with the concept of the business and model and was offering joint venture or equal splits if both of us saw value in their opportunity and mine. This process of joint venturing of which you can do with almost any company or entity can be a powerful way of propelling your business no matter the budget you may have.
What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?
That you have to have a business that you are passionate about and you can wake up excited to work each and every day.
Are there any resources or tools you’d like to share with other small business owners that have helped you run your business?
I would recommend using social media and most importantly working it daily. It is free and a great way to reach a massive amount of people.
Do you have any new projects coming up?
YES, in response to massive consumer demand, I have launched a new site Get My Vet a Job. This site is dedicated to the men and women of the Armed Forces to help them get the employment they want and need during their active or retired Military service. In addition, the service extends to the families of Military members. The Military, especially retired is the hardest hit demographic in all employment, they struggle the most. My site takes them from their service to the resume, then the job they want and need!
What do you do for fun and relaxation?
I love being a wife and mom! Doing family things and being outside swimming and hiking recharging the batteries as a family!
What is the Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year?
To have Get My Mom a Job be the brand that women look to for all employment opportunities. To effectively carve my niche and percentage of the market share. I have a specific number of clientele’ in mind, and I will achieve that goal!
You want to write a book on… Employment. Employment is a system, a science, a methodology. People need to understand this system to have the kind of success they want now and in the future. My book will outline every single detail there is because it is more than we could ever share in any coaching session. My book will be the ultimate guide to job and career success.
What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you?
My website:
Twitter: @getmymomajob