Meet WE Magazine for Women – Woman in Business: Melanie RedHorse DewBerry Soul Owner of Soul Purpose Coaching
Tell us about your business.
Services include Soul Coaching and Keynote Speaker
My work is to support soloprenuers, women in transition and ceo’s in bringing soul into the business world. Soul in business allows for prioritizing and valuing people first without sacrificing profit. Businesses that are lead with more spiritual integrity have greater employee retention and most importantly to have more of a connection to each other.
My target audiences are women ages 40+ often these women are leaving corporations to start their own businesses
Please tell us what being a business owner means to you and why you became an entrepreneur in the first place?
It was important to me to not follow the pack. In the traditional business world we easily step over the relevance of the human being at work. We now know that emotional intelligence is crucial. Leaning in on the wisdom of My Native American (adopted) elders wisdom of belonging to one another I could hear the need for people to feel wanted, be treated with compassion and empathy. That is the definition of having soul in business. I was unwilling to compromise the language of soul for words like values or mission as I felt that you had use the correct language to align people with the correlating actions and behavior. It has meant everything to me to bring this body of work to the work world, to stop the compartmentalization of our humanity while work was my life’s work.
What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?
There have been several people who have influenced my work. My Native American elders George Martin, Chief Joe Chasing Horse for showing me the relevance of belonging and the healthy form of validation it brings.
My parents who knew knew gave us a diverse experience of the world so I and my siblings could feel like we belonged as like anyone else –
My mentor Laura Whitworth – co founder of The Coaches Training Insitute for believing in my – hiring me to teach coaching course around the world and in prison which opened the door to my public speaking career.
What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?
I still have far to go but for here and now I’d say the first was to create the first (and only) print Coaching magazine (choice) solely because I wanted to write about soul and coaching. I convinced some big names like Iyanla Vanzant to sit on the editorial board.
The second was hitting my bucket list of speaking at two TEDx events speaking on The Power of Naming and Languaging Consciousness.
What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?
Always trust your vision. Always be true to your voice. Never try to fit in. Never say no to anything without researching (unless it goes against your values). Be kind – it not only feels good it pays off
Mentor someone = women need other women to help them in the business world. You always have time for what matters even if it’s inconvenient
What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your business?
Word of mouth always works. After 18 years in this business I still get the most business from people who have experienced my coaching and speaking first hand.
Blogging builds my email list
Social media builds my followers and email llist
What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?
Know the difference between a dream and a fantasy, hobby and work
be courageous – this work will stretch you.
You have to have ambition.
You can’t do it all.
Don’t give up.
Are there any resources or tools you’d like to share with other small business owners that have helped you run your business?
Throughout my work I found having a mentor and mastermind group helpful.
Of course using a a coach is incredibly supportive.
Do you have any new projects coming up? If so, please tell us about it.
In San Francisco, Denver and Seattle I put on monthly Wisdom Salons – purposeful and thoughtful conversations on topics such as Presence, Your Original Story, The Relevance of Wisdom
20 people gather to talk and grow. – they are hit!
Additionally, I have 6 month Spiritual Journey Program called Becoming
lastly I hold 1 day events in San Francisco for women ages 27-40 on maturing in the business world
What do you do for fun/relaxation?
Laughter mends so much so I hang out with my girlfriends
Every year I take a 1 week solo retreat – just to be quiet
Hiking in nature
Get aways to the mountains with my husband
Realignment by attending Native ceremonies on the Reservation with my tribe the Red Wolf Clan.
What is Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year?
Create a solid Wisdom Salon community in San Francisco, Denver, Seattle
You want to write a book on The Power of Naming. I name people – archetypal branding which is based on watching my elders name people in ceremony. I wanted women entrepreneurs to unequivocally know who they were by being named, to have a resonant language with which to talk about themselves without compromising who they were or negotiating their value or fees.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Know that you will change, don’t fight that, don’t be too scared of change- this is called grow.
Seek good company. Identify who is big enough to hold your stories. Not everyone has cups big enough.
If if the world says you’re crazy – you are not. Trust your voice and intuition
What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you?
Please reach out to me here
Twitter @melaniedewberry