Lisa Sasevich is known as “The Queen of Sales Conversion” (Started in 2008)

Recently honored as one of America’s Top Women Mentoring Leaders by WoW Magazine and recipient of the coveted eWomen Network Foundation Champion award for her generous fundraising, Lisa Sasevich, “The Queen of Sales Conversion,” teaches experts who are making a difference how to get their message out and enjoy massive results, without being “sales-y.”

Recognized sales expert by Success Magazine, Lisa delivers high-impact sales-closing strategies for turbo-charging entrepreneurs and small business owners to great profits.

According to best selling author Brian Tracy “Lisa Sasevich is one of the greatest discoveries in America today!”

Kym and Sandra Yancey of e-Women Network say “without question she is brilliant at teaching others how to leverage their unique gifts and qualities and convert them into a financial windfall. She is one authentic, heart-centered expert that delivers in spades!”

Robert Allen, author of multiple New York Times Bestsellers says “She added a zero to my income today just by watching her. Lisa Sasevich. Watch that name and whatever you do, be part of what she’s doing. You’re going to love it.”

After 25 years of winning Top Sales Awards and training senior executives at companies like Pfizer and Hewlett-Packard, she left corporate America and put her skills to the test as an entrepreneur.

And in just a few short years, Lisa created a multi-million dollar home-based business with two toddlers in tow. Lisa really is the undisputed expert on how to make BIG money doing what you love!

Robert Allen, author of multiple New York Times Bestsellers says “She added a zero to my income today just by watching her. Lisa Sasevich. Watch that name and whatever you do, be part of what she’s doing. You’re going to love it.”

After 25 years of winning Top Sales Awards and training senior executives at companies like Pfizer and Hewlett-Packard, she left corporate America and put her skills to the test as an entrepreneur.

And in just 3 short years, Lisa created a multi-million dollar home-based business with two toddlers in tow. For more information, visit:

Note: Lisa is one of WE Magazine for Women’s Top 100 Women in Ecommerce™ for 2012. To read about the other 99 women, visit (PDF): or (turning page):