Penny Haynes is the Founder of Encouraging Enterprises, Inc. (Started in 2004)
Penny Haynes is a Multimedia & Social MediaMarketer. She specializes in podcasting and blogging, rss feeds and online magazines, audio and video, and Facebook. She also programs web sites (including customized WordPress sites), mobile apps, games and software.
Penny believes that to capture the attention, emotion and loyalty of your clients, you must let them experience your personality and professionality, which is best done online through multimedia. Whether it means interaction, instruction or entertainment, entrepreneurs must engage their potential clients if they want to maintain raving fans. If a picture is worth a thousand words, than audio, video and gamesare worth a million. Penny is always creating affordable but cutting edge marketing tools for entrepreneurs.
For more information, visit:
Note: Penny is one of WE Magazine for Women’s Top 100 Women in Ecommerce™ for 2012. To read about the other 99 women, visit (PDF): or (turning page):