"Meet Relationship editor, Dr. EricaGoodstone"My team and I are delighted to welcome Dr. Erica Goodstone to the WE Magazine for Women editorial team!

Here is a little bit about her:

Dr. Erica helps men and women heal their relationships through love. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Marriage Therapist, Board Certified Sex Therapist, BodyMind Healer, and Personal/Life and Health/Wellness Coach. Currently featured as the SelfGrowth.com Official Guide to Intimacy, she is author of the popular Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me book series and the romantic novel Love in the Blizzard of Life (available at Amazon.com) as well as hundreds of articles about love, romance, sexuality, healthy aging and wellness at ezinearticles.com, examiner.com, yourtango.com, selfgrowth.com and boomer-livingplus.com.

She hosts a weekly radio show and a Relationship Healing Mastermind Google+ Hangout. To learn more about Dr. Erica, visit http://www.DrEricaGoodstone.com