For the past 10 years I have run Pampered Passions Fine Lingerie, a lingerie boutique in Denver, Colorado and online. My husband John and I opened the store to give women an experience to shop for lingerie in a nurturing, warm and caring environment rather and not be “just another lingerie store” trying to sell and glorify sex. It’s my personal and professional mission to nurture the female spirit, making women feel beautiful no matter what their size, shape or background, and that is what I do each day.
What do you enjoy most about your profession and why did you choose it in the first place?
Simply put, I get to work with the most amazing women! From my amazing team of employees to the warm customers that visit our store and online business each day, we encounter so many wonderful people with great stories to share. I’m always amazed at how lingerie can truly change people’s lives, really!
Tell us about the non-profit/charitable/community organizations your company supports? Why did you choose them?
How has your support impacted the organization? You/your company?
We do all these community programs because it makes sense to help others. It’s our faith and our mission in life. Its wonderful that many large corporations write checks to different charitable organizations, but it’s a bit different perspective being so “hands on” in the trenches! We have been blessed to be rewarded for our efforts and we are forever grateful when that happens. Personally, I received the Leading Lady Award in 2009 by Ladies Who Launch, an organization that supports female entrepreneurship. I was named Outstanding Women in Business by the Denver Business Journal in 2010, in recognition for our extensive community service and outreach programs. Pampered Passions Fine Lingerie took home the Best Shops Award in 2010 from leading lingerie magazine, Intima, in honor of our extended commitment to our community.
What is the biggest risk you ever took professionally and/or the biggest obstacle you have overcome?
Starting a business was a huge risk for me. I left a comfortable job and began Pampered Passions Fine Lingerie during a time when businesses – particularly dotcoms – we’re coming and going. I believe that entrepreneurs who aren’t afraid to take risks, make mistakes and risk failing at times are the ones who find the most success and who are most admired among their peers.
From where do you draw inspiration? Who have been your role models, mentors, etc?
I find a lot of comfort and support from my husband, John, who is my rock. He brings so many creative ideas to the table and helps me focus on my priorities. I take tremendous inspiration from the ladies I fit who are less fortunate. The ladies who are associated with Dress for Success or the breast cancer survivors are very genuine, courageous ladies doing their very best to get through their own personal obstacles. I also take great inspiration from the women I am surrounded by, particularly other entrepreneurs. I admire how they grow and nurture their businesses and “borrow” ideas from them all the time!
What one thing would you like to learn this year? How to be more than one person! To be involved in surgeries with plastic surgeons to better equip my knowledge for post-op fittings since we help so many women in that situation.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? On a council assisting women in a multitude of capacities.
What do you do for fun/relaxation/entertainment? Meditation, yoga, spend time with my family, stained glass.
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