Today’s featured author interview is with Rebecca Inch-Partridge

Rebecca Inch-Partridge is an author, an editor, and an avid science fiction fan who grew up imagining a more inclusive world for women in SFF, and today, is shaping that reality. Her first novel, Escaping the Dashia, is a YA science fantasy, published by Black Rose Writing. In it, young telepath Twyla is kidnapped by her mother and forced to participate in the criminal organization that is her family’s business. 

Rebecca grew up writing stories about The Bionic Woman meeting Captain Kirk. She is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and Broad Universe. She frequently attends and speaks at writers’ conferences and science fiction conventions. Her short stories and articles have appeared in several magazines, and she has won Honorable mention in both Writer’s Digest and Writers of the Future contest competition. She received her bachelor’s degree from William Jessup University in Management and Ethics—which she swears is not an oxymoron. Rebecca lives in Auburn, California with her husband, their dog McKraken, two cats, four chickens, and one turkey. Discover more on Rebecca Inch-Partridge’s website. 

This is her author interview:

Her first novel, Escaping the Dashia, is a YA science fantasy, published by Black Rose Writing. In it, young telepath Twyla is kidnapped by her mother and forced to participate in the criminal organization that is her family’s business.

 “Rebecca Inch-Partridge creates a compelling and believable heroine in Twyla and sends her on a harrowing journey of discovery about her mother, a villain who threatens the peace of an entire star cluster. A thrill-ride of a novel.” David Lee Summers, author of Breaking the Code

What is your book about?
It’s about a 15-year-old telepath, Twyla, who is abducted by her mother and brought back to the star cluster they’re from. Twyla is expected to use her abilities to aid in her family’s criminal enterprise. Now, Twyla must navigate the blurred lines between right and wrong and find a way to escape before she is turned into a Dashia—think psychic vampire.

What do you hope other people will take away from reading your book?
I think the constant pressure to conform in order to be popular is causing a lot of harm, especially to young women. My novel is about being true to yourself despite enormous pressure to the contrary. I hope those reading it will feel empowered to stand tall and be proud of their uniqueness.

What was the most difficult part about writing the book?  The most rewarding?
Rejection. Almost every author goes through this. I’ve been in the field long enough not to take it personally, but it still hurts and can be very discouraging. Looking back though, the feedback I received with each rejection helped me make Escaping the Dashia a much better book than it would have been otherwise.

The most rewarding moments included: celebrating landing a publishing deal with my family after, holding my book in my hand for the first time, and hosting a kick-ass, sci-fi themed launch party for my friends and family. But more than any of that, the best part has been talking to young, aspiring writers and encouraging them not to give up on their dream.

What does literary success look like to you?
Of course, I’d love to see my Paraxous Star Cluster novels turned into movies or a series. That’s a fun fantasy. But if my writing encourages more women to write science fiction or to explore STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) as a career option, that would make me happy. 

What do you know now that you wish you’d known at the beginning of your writing journey?
Don’t keep rewriting the same book. After each draft or revision, take a break from it and write something else. It can be another book or a bunch or short stories. This will give you other material to pitch. It will also teach you a lot as a writer. When you come back to your manuscript after six months or so, you will view it with fresh eyes and be able to apply what you learned in order to make your book even better.

What do you do when you are not writing?
I’m a freelance editor. That’s my day job, and it keeps me fairly busy. If you’re asking what I do for fun, it’s participating in science fiction fandom. I love going to conventions where authors meet with scientists to discuss ideas. Serving as a panelist at local sci-fi cons, like BayCon and LosCon, as well as at The World Science Fiction Convention, has allowed me to meet so many amazing people. 

What is your favorite book in the same genre as your work?

The Beka Cooper series by Tamora Pierce. I love the protagonist and the world in which the books take place.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I was telling stories almost as soon as I could string sentences together. I wrote my first book, The Bionic Woman Meets Captain Kirk, when I was in third grade. I wrote the first draft of this book when I was 15 years old. Most teens dream of becoming a famous actor or singer. My dream was to be a published author and write novels for a living. Some dreams just take a while to come true. 

How can our readers get a copy of your book? 

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