"Meet Wendy VanHatten, Wine & Travel Editor - WE Magazine for Women"Meet Wendy VanHatten – The newest member of the WE Magazine for Women writing team!

WE are delighted to introduce our readers to Wendy VanHatten, a long time contributor and supporter of WE Magazine for Women.

Wendy is Editor in Chief for Prime Time Living Magazine, travel writer, editor for authors, published author, and food, wine, and travel blogger. She is a member of the Bay Area Travel Writers Association. Her children’s books, the Max and Myron series, teach children to read while learning to become good citizens with positive character traits. Other books published include a mystery, a Napa Wine Guide, and one about her dad and WWII. Wendy documents travel advice and photos in her blog, www.travelsandescapes.blogspot.com. More information about Wendy and her books may be found at www.wendyvanhatten.com.


WE Magazine for Women is expanding our editorial team. If you would like to write one or several articles, let me know. Visit our submission guidelines to submit single articles: http://www.staging.wemagazineforwomen.com/about/submission-guidelines/
Visit our Meet the Editors channel to learn more about becoming part of the teamhttp://www.staging.wemagazineforwomen.com/about/meet-the-editors/